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NCERT Solution EVS Class 4 Chapter 7 From the Window

Chapter 7 From the Window deals with the scenes one encounters on a train journey like at level crossings, railway stations, etc. Class 4 EVS Chapter 7 also introduces the concepts of tunnels and bridges. The students are made aware of the different languages spoken in different states of our country in NCERT Class 4 EVS Chapter 7.

NCERT Solutions for EVS From the Window

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From the Window

Question 1 :

What was the difference in the scene that Omana saw from the train on the first day and on the second day?

Answer :

On the first day, Omana saw dry fields from the window, but on the second day, she saw fields covered with red soil, fertile crops, hills covered with trees, small ponds and a waterbody but could not figure out whether it was a river or the sea.

Question 2 :

 Omana saw many kinds of vehicles at the level-crossing. Which of them run on diesel or petrol?

Answer :

Buses and trucks run on diesel, whereas motorcycles, scooters and cars run on petrol.

Question 3 :

Why was there so much smoke and noise from the vehicles at the level crossing?

Answer :

People did not switch off their vehicle’s engines even when they waited near the level crossing, and for this reason, there was so much smoke and noise from the vehicles.

Question 4 :

What can we do to reduce noise of the vehicle and save petrol and diesel? Discuss.

Answer :

One must switch off their vehicle’s engines while waiting at traffic signals or level-crossings. Another way is to take one’s vehicle for regular servicing so that all the parts of the vehicle function properly. As petrol and diesel are expensive, one must be very careful while using these.


Question 1 :

What do you call them?
Your mother’s sister __________________________
Your mother’s mother __________________________
Your father’s sister __________________________
Your father’s mother __________________________

Answer :

My mother’s sister is my Mashi.
My mother’s mother is my Dida.
My father’s sister is my Pishi.
My father’s mother is my Thamma.

Question 2 :

Find out why bridges are made.

Answer :

Bridges make our journey easier. They provide passage over rivers, dense forests, and low-lying areas. In cities, bridges reduce traffic congestion or provide route over train tracks.

Question 3 :

Have you ever been through a tunnel? How did you feel?

Answer :

Yes, I crossed a tunnel. I was travelling to a small town situated in Assam.
It was terrifying. I crossed the tunnel during the daytime. My family and I did not know about the tunnel, so we forgot to turn on the lights inside our coach. Suddenly, our train entered the tunnel, and we could not see anything for a few minutes as it was completely dark.

Question 4 :

The route from Goa to Kerala has a total of 2000 bridges and 92 tunnels! Why do you think there are so many bridges and tunnels?

Answer :

There are many waterbodies, hills and rivers along the route from Goa to Kerala and for the trains to pass over these, many bridges and tunnels have been made.

Question 5 :

Imagine and draw in your notebook what Omana saw under the bridge when her train crossed it?

Answer :

Question 6 :

Imagine, if on the way there had been no tunnels and bridges, how would Omana’s train have crossed the mountains and rivers?

Answer :

Omana’s train would not be able to cross the backwaters, hills and rivers if there had been no tunnels and bridges along the way.

Question 7 :

Which languages do you speak at home?

Answer :

At home, I speak Bengali and sometimes English.

Question 8 :

On the way from Gujarat to Kerala Omana’s train went through several states of our country. Find out and list which states it crossed.

Answer :

The states are— Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka.

Question 9 :

Did you ever have coconut water? How did you find it? Discuss.

Answer :

Yes, I drink coconut water during the summers. It is a healthy drink and appears as a clear liquid. Coconut water has a mild sweet taste.

Question 10 :

What did you see below the bridge?

Answer :

Below the bridge, I noticed the flowing water of the river and many fishing vessels.

Question 11 :

Draw a coconut tree and discuss in the class about it.

Answer :

Coconut trees are tall trees and bear the coconut fruit. These are abundantly found in the coastal areas. A mature coconut tree can grow up to 30 metres. It takes at least five years for a coconut tree to become fully grown. The flowers of the coconut tree are also edible.

Question 12 :

 Sometimes people cross the tracks even when the crossing is closed. What do you feel about this?

Answer :

I feel this is risky as it can cause serious accidents.

Question 13 :

Have you seen any bridges? Where?

Answer :

Once I was going to Delhi by train, and on the way, I saw quite a few bridges.

Question 14 :

 Have you ever crossed a bridge? Where?

Answer :

 Yes, I crossed a massive bridge when going by train to Vizag.

Question 15 :

What was the bridge built over?

Answer :

The bridge was constructed over the river Godavari.

Question 16 :

Find out in which states these languages are spoken?

Language Where it is spoken (State)
Answer :

Language Where it is spoken (State)
Malayalam Kerala
Konkani Goa
Marathi Maharashtra
Gujarati Gujarat
Kannada Karnataka

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