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NCERT Solutions for Class 4 Chapter 18 Poem: The Naughty Boy

The poem is about a naughty boy from England who ran away to Scotland. He wondered about everything that he saw. He saw different things like the Scotland yard was long and lead was heavy.

NCERT Solutions for English The Naughty Boy

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Reading is fun

Question 1 :

From where did the naughty boy come?

Answer :

The naughty boy came from England.

Question 2 :

What did the boy wonder about?

Answer :

The boy was amazed at the hard ground, long yards of Scotland, bright red cherries, and heavy lead.

Question 3 :

Why did he go there?

Answer :

The naughty boy wanted to see Scotland and the people living in Scotland.

Question 4 :

Where did the naughty boy go?

Answer :

The naughty boy went to Scotland.

Let’s listen

Question 1 :

Listen to these instructions and follow them
(a) naughty walk
(b) naughty walk forward-backward
(c) fall down
(d) do a funny trick
(e) walk-on tiptoes
(f) drag your feet
(g) spin around
(h) jump like a horse
(i) walk in your shoes
(j) shuffle your fee

Answer :

(Note: Students should attempt the above question on their own.)

Let’s talk

Question 1 :

Have you been to another place recently? What is it like? How is it different from your own place?

Answer :

I have been to Delhi recently. There were many cycle rickshaws in the city. I also saw many people rushing to go to various places. I found it to be very crowded in comparison to my place. Near my place, it is very peaceful. There aren’t many vehicles on the road.
(Note: Students should attempt the above question on their own.)

Question 2 :

What do you think the naughty boy would see in India?

Answer :

The naughty boy will see the natural landscapes, their languages, culture, traditions, and classical dances.

Word building

Question 1 :

Now write these words here –
(a) The peacock is a _____________ bird.
(b) Pinocchio is a _____________ puppet.
(c) I saw an _____________ quarrel.
(d) Morning exercises make you ______________.
(e) A glass of milk makes your teeth ___________.
(f) Rita’s ___________ behaviour annoyed me.
(g) Rahul does not eat green vegetables, therefore his eyesight is _________________.

Answer :

(a) The peacock is a beautiful bird.
(b) Pinocchio is a naughty puppet.
(c) I saw an ugly quarrel.
(d) Morning exercises make you healthy.
(e) A glass of milk makes your teeth strong.
(f) Rita’s rude behaviour annoyed me.
(g) Rahul does not eat green vegetables, therefore his eyesight is weak.

Question 2 :

 Naughty is a describing word. Can you find more describing words in the maze?

Answer :

Let’s write

Question 1 :

 Who do you think is the naughtiest child in your class? Describe her/him in five lines.

Answer :

Anil is the naughtiest boy in our class. He always plays mischievous games and pranks in class. He disturbs all in class. He beats up his classmates too. He is completely different when there is a class teacher around.

Question 2 :

Can you write six things that are made of wood?
______ _______ ______
______ _______ ______

Answer :

table shoe rack bench
chair bat pencil


Question 3 :

 Look at the words given below and put them under the things that they are made of –

[ballon, chairs, Eraser,shirt, pencil, toys, cars, trousers, knife, Scissors, Cap]

     metal           wood           rubber           cloth     
     -------      -------      -------      -------
     -------           -------           -------           -------
     -------           -------           -------      -------
Answer :

     metal           wood           rubber           cloth     
     scissors           pencil           eraser           cap     
     knife           chair           balloon           shirt     
     car      table           toys      trousers     

Fun time

Question 1 :

Let’s make a mosaic hat for your clown You need
• Mirrors/beads of different size and shapes
• Fevicol/glue/gum
• A piece of cardboard
• Sketch pens
• Take a piece of old cardboard
• Draw a colourful pattern on it
• Take glue/gum and apply it on the surface and stick beads/mirrors/ pulses on it
• Fold it into a cone
• Your lovely Mosaic Hat is now ready.
• Put it on your clown.

Answer :

(Note: Students should attempt the above activity on their own.)

Question 2 :

Which country does your clown belong to? Now complete the table below –

       Nation               Nationality       
       India               Indian
       Australia               ________
       France               ________
       Japan               ________
       Scotland               ________
Answer :

Nation        Nationality

India           Indian

Australia     Australian

France        French

Japan         Japanese

Scotland     Scottish

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