We can write this value using the place values of a number. What will be the place value of each digit of 80000?
80000 = Eighty Thousand
80000 is written as "Eighty Thousand" in words in English. The number 80000 is made up of place values like ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten-thousands.
In this article, we will understand how we write numbers in words in english. But before that, let us see what Rohan, a grade 3 student and Meera, a grade 9 student and also Rohan's elder sister, are doing in their study room.
Rohan is sitting at a study table. He is puzzled. Meera is also sitting beside him, reading her textbook.
Rohan: "Didi, I’m confused. How do I write 80,000 in words?"
Meera: "It’s easy, Rohan. Do you know how to write 80?"
Rohan: "80 is... Eighty, right?"
Meera: "Yes! Now add ‘Thousand’ after it. Then, it becomes ‘Eighty Thousand.’"
Rohan: "Oh!"
Rohan: "Eighty Thousand! I got it, Didi. Thank you!"
Meera gives Rohan a pat on the back as he seems to be confident now with this problem.
Writing numbers in words helps us pronounce and spell them correctly. "Eighty Thousand" represents the number 80,000, and it's important to use the correct spelling in both writing and speech. When using "Eighty Thousand" in sentences or stories, make sure to spell it accurately to clearly communicate the number.
How to pronounce Eighty Thousand? Listen to the audio and speak out the words loud:
Let's understand the number 80000 using decimal place value chart. Place value is a very important concept in the number system. It helps to understand the value of each digit in a number, based on it's place or position.
Before that, lets see an example to understand place value with the help of Decimal Place Value Chart (shown below).
Take the number 64345: (Look at the Decimal Place Value Chart as a reference.)
So, 64345 is the same as 60000 + 4000 + 300 + 40 + 5.
Hence, the steps to write a number in words are:
Now, let's place 80000 in the place values.
In Ones' place - 0
In Tens' place - 0
In Hundreds' place - 0
In Thousands' place - 0
In Ten Thousands' place - 8
The values are - 80000 + 0000 + 000 + 00 + 0 = 80000
So, "80000" is "Eighty Thousand".
Let's see how we can write 80000 with ten thousands.
80000 can be broken down to 10000s as shown in the image.
Hence, we can add eight - 10000s together to get 80000.
The "number to words" approach helps children connect numbers with words (Check the approach here). With regular practice, children can quickly recall the word for any given number. (For more practice, we have given quizzes and worksheets below)
80000 is a number that expresses a value that is equal to “Eighty Thousand”. Other properties of the number “80000” are:
1. What is the correct word form of 45,672?
a) Forty-six thousand seventy-two
b) Forty-five thousand six hundred seventy-two
c) Forty-five thousand six hundred two
d) Forty-four thousand seven hundred sixty-two
2. What is the correct word form of 18,205?
a) Eighteen thousand two hundred five
b) Eighteen thousand twenty-five
c) Eighteen thousand two thousand five
d) Eighty thousand two hundred five
3. What number is represented by "Eighty-four thousand three hundred ninety-two"?
a) 84,392
b) 84,239
c) 83,492
d) 83,942
4. How is 31,498 written in words?
a) Thirty-one thousand four hundred eighty-eight
b) Thirty-one thousand four hundred ninety-eight
c) Thirty-one thousand forty-eight
d) Thirty-four thousand nine hundred eighty-eight
5. What is the numerical form of "Sixty-two thousand eight hundred ninety-six"?
a) 62,896
b) 68,962
c) 62,689
d) 69,826
6. What is the correct word form for 60,314?
a) Sixty thousand three hundred fourteen
b) Sixty-three thousand one hundred fourteen
c) Sixty thousand one hundred thirty-four
d) Sixty thousand thirty-four
7. What is the number for "Forty-two thousand six hundred fifteen"?
a) 42,615
b) 46,215
c) 42,156
d) 46,125
8. What is 85,407 written in words?
a) Eighty-five thousand four hundred seven
b) Eighty-four thousand five hundred seven
c) Eighty-five thousand four hundred seventy
d) Eighty-five thousand seven hundred
9. What is the number for "Seventy-five thousand eight hundred thirty-two"?
a) 75,832
b) 78,352
c) 75,823
d) 73,582
10. What number does "Ninety thousand one hundred twenty-four" represent?
a) 90,124
b) 91,124
c) 91,142
d) 90,421
Download the worksheets on 5-Digit Numbers to Words and Words to Numbers
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