Mathematics employs a range of symbols for operations, relations, and quantities, forming a concise and universal language. Key symbols include "+," "−" for addition and subtraction, "∫" for integration, and "Σ" for summation, playing a crucial role in accurately expressing mathematical ideas.
Fundamental Math symbols include "+", "-", "*", and "/". The addition symbol "+" combines two numbers, while "-" represents finding the difference between two numbers to symbolize subtraction. The multiplication symbol "" signifies repeated addition, and "/" denotes division, the process of sharing or splitting quantities. These basic symbols form the building blocks for more intricate mathematical expressions.
Symbol |
Name of the Symbol |
Meaning / Definition |
+ |
Plus |
Indicates addition or a positive quantity. |
- |
Minus |
Denotes subtraction or a negative quantity. |
× or * |
Multiplication |
Represents multiplication of numbers or variables. |
÷ or / |
Division |
Denotes division or the quotient of two numbers. |
= |
Equals |
States equality between two expressions or values. |
< |
Less Than |
Shows that one value is smaller than another. |
> |
Greater Than |
Shows that one value is larger than another. |
≤ |
Less Than or Equal to |
Denotes that a value is less than or equal to another. |
≥ |
Greater Than or Equal to |
Denotes that a value is greater than or equal to another. |
π |
Pi |
Represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. |
√ |
Square Root |
Represents the root of a number. |
∞ |
Infinity |
Represents a quantity larger than any finite number. |
% |
Percent |
Denotes a fraction of 100. |
! |
Factorial |
Represents the product of an integer and all the integers below it down to 1. |
∑ |
Summation |
Denotes the sum of a sequence of numbers. |
∫ |
Integral |
Represents the integral of a function. |
° |
Degree |
Indicates measurement in degrees. |
( ) |
Parentheses |
Used to denote order of operations or grouping. |
^ |
Exponentiation |
Denotes raising a number to a power. |
∛ |
Cube Root |
Represents the cube root of a number. |
∜ |
Fourth Root |
Represents the fourth root of a number. |
± |
Plus or Minus |
Represents two possible values: positive and negative. |
∠ |
Angle |
Denotes an angle between two lines or sides of a polygon. |
∆ |
Delta |
Represents a change or difference in a quantity. |
≈ |
Approximately Equal to |
Indicates that two values are approximately equal. |
≡ |
Congruent to |
Denotes that two figures or values are congruent or equal. |
⊥ |
Perpendicular to |
Indicates that two lines are perpendicular. |
∥ |
Parallel to |
Denotes that two lines are parallel. |
∩ |
Intersection |
Represents the intersection of sets or regions. |
∪ |
Union |
Represents the union of sets or regions. |
⊆ |
Subset |
Denotes that one set is a subset of another. |
⊇ |
Superset |
Denotes that one set is a superset of another. |
∴ |
Therefore |
Indicates a conclusion or inference. |
∵ |
Because |
Indicates a reason or cause. |
~ |
Similar to |
Denotes similarity between two figures. |
∀ |
For All |
Represents "for all" in mathematical logic. |
∃ |
Exists |
Represents "there exists" in mathematical logic. |
∞ |
Infinity |
Represents an infinitely large quantity. |
∇ |
Nabla / Gradient |
Represents the gradient or vector differential operator. |
⊗ |
Tensor Product |
Represents the tensor product of vector spaces. |
⊕ |
Direct Sum |
Denotes the direct sum of vector spaces. |
∈ |
Element of |
Denotes that an element belongs to a set. |
∉ |
Not an Element of |
Denotes that an element does not belong to a set. |
ℵ |
Aleph |
Represents the cardinality of infinite sets. |
a^b |
Exponentiation |
Denotes raising 'a' to the power of 'b'. |
a√b |
nth Root |
Represents the nth root of 'b'. |
mod |
Modulo |
Represents the remainder after division. |
ab |
Absolute Value |
Denotes the magnitude of a real number without its sign. |
± |
Plus/Minus |
Indicates two possible values: positive and negative. |
% |
Percent |
Denotes a fraction of 100. |
‰ |
Per Mille |
Denotes a fraction of 1000. |
ppm |
Parts Per Million |
Denotes one part in a million. |
ppb |
Parts Per Billion |
Denotes one part in a billion. |
ppt |
Parts Per Trillion |
Denotes one part in a trillion. |