1) LPG and Kerosene Are Fuels; Why Do We Use LPG in Metal Cylinders While Kerosene Can Be Kept in Closed Containers?
- LPG and kerosene are both highly inflammable fuels.
- It is possible to safely handle LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) when it is in liquid form. But to store it in liquid form, high pressure must be maintained; hence it is stored in metal cylinders.
- There is no such requirement for kerosene; hence it can be stored in any plastic container.
![LPG and Kerosene](https://cdn-cms.orchidsinternationalschool.com/media/answer/G3_6_ALT-TEXT_fuels-used-for-cooking.jpg)
2) Is Plasma a State of Matter? How Is It Formed, and Where Is It Used?
- Yes, plasma is the fourth state of matter.
- Plasma is formed on heating, the gas at a very high-temperature
- Plasma is used in fluorescent lights, neon lights and LED screens.
![Plasma a State of Matter](https://cdn-cms.orchidsinternationalschool.com/media/answer/G3_7_ALT-TEXT_Fourth-state-of-matter.jpg)
3) What Is Dry Ice? How Is It Different From Regular Ice?
- Dry ice is the solid carbon dioxide stored at extremely low temperatures.
- When it comes to normal temperature, this dry ice directly converts into carbon dioxide gas, unlike regular ice. Hence it is called dry ice.
![dry ice](https://cdn-cms.orchidsinternationalschool.com/media/answer/G3_8_ALT-TEXT_Dry-ice.jpg)
4) Solid Water Can Be Changed Into Liquid or Gas and Again Into Solid Ice. But a Baked Cake Cannot Be Separated Into Flour, Water and Other Ingredients. Why?
- Solid water can be changed into liquid or gas as it is a change which does not change the properties of water permanently; hence it can be reversed.
- In the case of baking cake, the properties of ingredients change permanently and cannot be reversed in any condition.
![Baked Cake](https://cdn-cms.orchidsinternationalschool.com/media/answer/G3_9_ALT-TEXT_Irreversible-change.jpg)