1. Which Simple Machine Is Used to Make a Pizza Cutter?
A wheel and axle are used to make a pizza cutter.
2. A Wheel and a Rope Make Which Simple Machine?
A wheel and a rope together make a pulley.
3. A Ceiling Fan Comprises Several Simple Machines. Name Them.
A ceiling fan comprises the following simple machines—
4. The Floor of a Bathtub Is Like an Inclined Plane. Do You Agree With This Fact? If Yes, Give the Reason for Your Answer.
Yes, the floor of a bathtub resembles an inclined plane.
Thus, the water reaches a point from where it can be drained out of the bathtub.
5. A Ceiling Fan Comprises Several Simple Machines. Name Them.
Which Simple Machine Is Found in the Shoelaces of Your Shoes?
Shoelaces are like a rope and pulley system. The eyes of the shoes where the shoe laces are threaded act like a pulley. The shoe laces act like a rope.
6. The Construction of a Ladder Is Based on Which Simple Machine?
Which Simple Machine Is Found in the Shoelaces of Your Shoes?
7. Which Simple Machine Is Used in a Window Blind?
Rope and pulleys are used to make a window blind.
8. A Toilet Paper Roll on a Spinning Holder Resembles Which Simple Machine?
A toilet paper roll on a spinning holder resembles a wheel and axle. The axle is the main axis of the holder, whereas the circular surface on which the toilet paper rolls is the wheel.
9 .Which Simple Machine Is Used to Make a Door Stopper?
A wedge is used in making a door stopper.
10. Broom Is an Example of Which Class of Lever?