1) What Do You Understand by the Venation of a Leaf? Name Two Types of Venations Seen in Plants.
- The arrangement of veins on the surface of a leaf is called venation.
- Venation can be parallel or intricate.
- Examples of parallel venation—Grass, wheat, and rice.
- Examples of intricate venation—Hibiscus, Rose, Mango, etc.

2) Can You Tell the Number of Cotyledons in a Seed by Looking at the Venation on Its Leaves?
- Yes, the number of cotyledons in the seed can be identified by looking at the venation of the leaf of the plant.
- The plants with parallel venation have monocot seeds, i.e., the seeds have one cotyledon.
- The plants with reticulate venation have dicot seeds, i.e., the seeds have two cotyledons.
3) What Are the Functions of Offsets in Water Hyacinths?
- Offset is a runner that originates from the axis of the leaf of a plant.
- It participates in vegetative propagation and helps in the rapid growth of the water hyacinth plant.

4) What Are Tendrils? Write One Function of the Tendril.
- Tendrils are the modified stems generally found in climbers.
- Since climbers do not have strong stems, they develop tendrils that help them grow along horizontal support.
- Examples: Pea plant, grapevine.