Types of Fractions

Types of Fractions for Class 4 Maths

In mathematics, there are three major types of fractions. Here students will learn the fraction definition and examples.

In this learning concept, the students will also learn to

  •  Fractions - Introduction 

  • Like & Unlike Fractions 

  • Proper, Improper & Mixed Fractions

Each concept is explained to class 4 maths students using illustrations, examples, and mind maps. Students can assess their learning by solving the printable fraction worksheets given at the page’s end.

Download the fraction worksheets for class 4 and check the solutions to the fraction question for class 4 provided in PDF format.


Introduction to Fractions

Fractions explain a portion of a whole. Imagine that you own a pizza, and you want to divide the pizza among your friends. If you divide the pizza into 4 equal pieces and take one piece, then you have 1/4 of a pizza. In the fraction 1/4, it shows you how many pieces you have in comparison to how many total equal pieces there are. 

A fraction is written as:


  • Numerator: The one on top counts how many parts we have.

  • Denominator: A number placed at the bottom tells how many equal parts the 

whole thing is divided into.


Different ways of representing fractions

  1. Half (1/2): If you divide something into 2 equal parts and take one of them, then it is called half.

        Example: Suppose you cut a pizza into 2 equal pieces and then ate one piece of it; then you ate half of the pizza. 

Half (1/2):


  1. One-Third (1/3): If you take one of three equal parts, it is called one-third.

    Suppose you share a chocolate bar among three of your friends so that each friend gets one out of the three parts-that is, one-third of the chocolate bar.

    One-Third (1/3)


  1. Quarter (1/4): A quarter is that which you have when you cut something into four equal parts and take 1 of those parts.

    So, if you divide a waffle into 4 equal pieces, one of those pieces is a quarter of the waffle .

Quarter (1/4)

         These fractions show how we can divide things into equal parts and name those parts.


Like and Unlike Fraction

Fractions can be classified into two types:

Like Fractions like fractions.

Fractions having the same denominator are called like fractions.


1 3

4    4    4

Explanation: Since all of these fractions have 4 as the denominator, they're "like" fractions.

Unlike Fractions

Fractions having different denominators are called unlike fractions

 Unlike fractions


 1 3

 6    4   8

Explanation: These fractions have different numbers at the bottom, so they are "unlike" fractions.

Take a deep dive into like and Unlike fractions and learn more about them :


Quiz for Like and Unlike Fractions 

1. Which of these pairs are like fractions?

  • a) 1/4 and 3/4

  • b) 2/3 and 5/6

  • c) 3/5 and 1/2

  • d) 1/8 and 3/7

2. Which of these pairs are unlike fractions?

  • a) 4/9 and 7/9

  • b) 5/8 and 2/8

  • c) 6/11 and 4/5

  • d) 3/10 and 7/10

3. Like fractions have the same:

  • a) numerator

  • b) denominator

  • c) whole number

  • d) decimal

4. The fractions 2/6 and 5/6 are:

  • a) unlike fractions

  • b) like fractions

  • c) whole numbers

  • d) not fractions

5. Which pair of fractions have different denominators?

  • a) 3/4 and 2/4

  • b) 1/3 and 1/4

  • c) 6/7 and 5/7

  • d) 2/5 and 4/5

Proper, Improper & Mixed Fractions 

Types of Fractions 

Proper Fractions

Definition: Fractions in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator is called proper fractions.

Examples of Proper Fraction : 

Improper Fractions

Definition: Fractions in which the numerator, is bigger or equal to the denominator is called improper fractions.


Mixed Fractions

Definition: A mixed fraction combines a whole number and a fraction. It's like when you have both a full part and a part of something. For example, 1 ½ means you have 1 whole and half of another whole.


Converting a Mixed Fraction to an Improper Fraction

To convert a mixed fraction into an improper fraction, follow these easy steps:

  • Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fraction.
  • Add the numerator of the fraction to the result.

  • Write the sum over the denominator.

Example: 2 1/3

Multiply the whole number by the denominator: 2×3=6

Add the numerator: 6+1=7

Write the sum over the denominator:

So, 2 1/3 = 1/7

Converting an Improper Fraction into a Mixed Fraction

To convert an improper fraction into a mixed fraction, follow these steps:

  • Divide the numerator by the denominator.

  • The quotient (the result of the division) becomes the whole number.

  • The remainder becomes the numerator of the fraction.

  • The denominator stays the same.

Examples: 7/3

Divide the numerator by the denominator:  7÷3=2 (quotient) with a remainder of 

The whole number is 2, and the remainder (1) is the numerator.

The denominator is the same as 3.

Thus, 7/3 = 2 ⅓ 

Let's learn more about  fractions and how the division of fractions works from the video given below:

Quiz on Proper, Improper, & Mixed Fractions 

  1. Which of these is a proper fraction?

a) 7/3

b) 5/4

c) 2/3

d) 6/5

  1. What is the mixed fraction form of 9/4?

a) 2 ¼

b) 1 ¼ 

c) 3 ¼ 

d) 2 2/4 

  1. Which fraction is an improper fraction?

a) 3/8

b) 7/5

c) 2/3

d) 4/6

  1. What is the improper fraction form of the mixed fraction 3 2/5?

a) 1 7/5 

b) 1 ⅖  

c) 14/5

d) 8/5

  1. Which of these is an example of a mixed fraction?

a) 4/5

b) 7/2

c) 2 ⅓ 

d) 6/7

Practice Worksheets:

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