- Area of Sikkim = 7096 sq. km
Now, three times of 7096
Now 21288 is near the number 21081.
21081 sq. km is the area of Mizoram.
Hence, the area of Mizoram is nearly three times of Sikkim.
b. Area of Sikkim = 7096 sq. km
Now, half of the number 7096
The number 3548 is near the number 3702
3702 sq. km is the area of Goa.
Hence, the area of Goa is half of Sikkim's area.
c. Area of Tripura = 10492 sq. km
Now, two times of 10492
Now 20996 is near the number 21081.
21081 sq. km is the area of Mizoram.
The area of Mizoram is more than two times Tripura's area.
d. The population of Goa = 1,458,545
Population of Sikkim = 610,577
Now, the difference
The population of Goa is more than the population of Sikkim.
The population difference between Goa and Sikkim is 847968.
e. The area covered by the given five states
Hence, the five states' total area is 58950 Sq. Km