Mental Addition Strategies

Mental Math Addition for Class 2 Maths

In mathematics, mental math is a group of skills that helps students to do math mentally. In this chapter, the students will learn about mental math addition for class 2. Students can get a better concept of math by using addition tricks.

In this learning concept, the students will learn to

  • Applying addition tricks for 1- digit numbers.
  • Analysing the addition tricks for 2- digit numbers.
  • Remembering the vertical addition of numbers.

Each concept is explained to class 2 maths students using illustrations, examples, and mind maps. Students can assess their learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the pages’ end.

Download the mental math addition worksheet for class 2 and check the solutions for the concept of mental addition provided in PDF format.

Mental Math Addition

  • Mental addition means to do the addition of numbers in your head mentally without using a pen paper or any machine.
  • Mental addition tricks help us to do addition faster and easily.

We will learn some easy methods to do addition fast.

Addition Tricks for 1-Digit Numbers

  • Addition by Making 10.

    • We use number bonds of 10.
    • In the above example, we know that the number bond of
      10 as 7 + 3 = 10
    • So, we take away 3 from 29 and add it to 7.
    • 29 becomes 26. We can split it as 20 + 6.
    • Now adding 10 + 20 + 6, we get 36.
  • Addition by Splitting

    • Split two-digit numbers into tens and ones.
    • In the above example, we can split the number 13 as one 10 and 3 ones.
    • Then we can add 5 + 3 = 8.
    • Now adding this 8 to 10, we get 18.

Addition Tricks for 2-Digit Numbers

  • Addition of Tens Numbers.

    • Add the Tens place numbers only.
    • In the above example, Ones place numbers are 0. We know that, 0 + 0 = 0. So, ones place number will be always 0.
    • Then directly add tens place numbers here: 3 + 6 = 9
    • We get sum as: 30 + 60 = 90
  • Another Method (Count Forward by Observing Tens-Place Numbers)

    • Between 30 and 60, the number 60 is greater.
    • The number 30 has 3 at its Tens place. So, from 60 count 3 steps forward in the form of tens.
  • Vertical Addition

    • We add the numbers in the unit place and the numbers in the tens place separately. (Imagine numbers in column.)
    • In the above example, first we add Ones place digits. Remember this answer. This answer will be Ones place digit in the final answer.
    • Then add Tens place digits. This answer will be the Tens place digit of our final answer.

    When We Get Sum of Ones Place Digits as a 2-Digit Number

    • If we get 2-digit number as the sum of ones place digits, add one to the tens column answer.
    • In the above example, first we add Ones place digits:
      7 + 6 = 13.
      The number 3 in this 13 is our ones place digit number in the answer and we hold 1.
    • Then we add Tens place digit: 5 + 2 = 7
      We add that 1 to 7: 1 + 7 = 8
  • Addition by Splitting

    • Split two-digit numbers into tens and ones.
    • In the above example, we split the number 23 as: 20 + 3
    • And split the number 14 as 10 + 4
    • Then add 1-digit numbers: 3 + 4 = 7
    • Then it is easy to add: 20 + 10 + 7 = 37
  • Addition by Rounding Off Numbers into Tens.

    • Here we rounded off one addend.
    • In the above example, if we add 3 to 57, we get 60.
    • So, we take away 3 from 38 and added it to 57.
    • 57 became 60 and 38 became 35.
    • By adding 60 and 35, we got 95.