Addition and Subtraction

1) Complete the Above Table and Answer the Following Questions.

  1. What Planet Has the Most Moons?
  2. Which Planets Have Zero Moons?
  3. Which Planet Have Only One Moon?
  4. How Many More Moons Does Jupiter Has Than Neptune?
  5. How Many Moons Do Uranus and Neptune Have Altogether?
  6. How Many Fewer Moons Does Venus Has Than Mars?
  7. Arrange All Planets in Ascending Order by Their Number of Moons.

Complete the above table and answer the Addition and  Subtraction following questions.

  1. Saturn has the most moons.
  2. Mercury and Venus have zero moons.
  3. Earth has only one moon.
  4. Number of moons Jupiter has = 79
    Number of moons Neptune has = 14
    Number of more moons Jupiter has = 79 – 14 = 65
  5. Number of moons Uranus has = 27
    Number of moons Neptune has = 14
    Uranus and Neptune together have moons = 27 + 14 = 41
  6. Number of moons Mars has = 2
    Number of moons Venus has = 0
    Number of less moons Jupiter has = 2 – 0 = 2
  7. Ascending order (from smallest to biggest number) for the number of moons of the planets.

Mercury 0
Venus 0
Earth 1
Mars 2
Neptune 14
Uranus 27
Jupiter 79
Saturn 82
