1.Who Can Look After a Baby in the Absence of Parents?
The grandparents or uncle/aunt can look after a baby without parents.
2.What Challenges Does a Child Face When She Grows Up in a Nuclear Family?
- A child growing up in a nuclear family may feel lonely.
- If both the parents are bread earners, then nannies take care of the child eventually, which sometimes leads to a lack of emotional bond between the parents and the children.
- A child growing up in a nuclear family without a sibling does not grow well psychologically. They do not learn emotions like sharing, caring etc.
3.What Is a Pedigree Chart?
- A pedigree chart helps us to trace the ancestors of the previous generations.
- This chart also informs us about the characteristic features of the individuals.
4.Whom Do You Meet at Family Parties?
- Usually, at family parties, we meet with extended family members.
- We meet with our uncles and aunts, cousins, and maternal grandparents.