Transport and Communication Modes of Communication for Grade 1 EVS

Communication involves the exchange of thoughts, messages, and emotions between two people.
Communication can vary in its types. It can be between two people or many people at the same time.
This concept allows the students to learn different means of communication.

After going through the concept, the learners will be able to:

  • State examples of different modes of communication.
  • Understand the basic steps of letter writing.
  • Differentiate between verbal and non verbal communication.

Each concept is explained to class 1 students using descriptions, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.
Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept Modes of Communication in PDF format.

What is Communication

  • It is the exchange of information, ideas, emotions, and messages.
  • Talking to your friend is a type of communication.
  • Communication can involve the exchange of words in the form of verbal communication. It can also occur through gestures, emotions and sign language, called non-verbal communication.


Different Modes of Communication:

1) Letter:
  • Letters have been a mode of communication used since ancient times.
  • It was the only communication source when mobiles and telephones were not there.
  • Letters are posted via post office at suitable addresses.
  • We can buy the following items from a post office to write letters.

2) Phone:
  • Nowadays, phones allow us to talk, text, and make video calls.
  • It is the fastest means of communication.
  • We use different types of phones. They can either be fixed at a place called a landline or can be a movable one called a portable phone.
  • Mobile or cordless phones are smaller and more convenient to use.
3) Television:
  • We can listen to and watch a variety of programmes on television.
  • Televisions operate based on satellite signals.
  • Communication using a TV happens through news, live shows, programmes, etc.
  • We also can watch movies on television.
4) Newspapers:
  • Newspapers come with various information, like science and technology, sports and games, incidents happening in the country, and many more.
5) Magazines:
  • Magazines contain collections of articles, pictures, stories and poems.
  • Magazines are generally published on a weekly or monthly basis.
6) Radio:
  • We can listen to various programmes, music and news on the radio.
  • The use of the radio has been reduced in recent times due to the invention of other modes of communication.
7) E-mail:
  • Email stands for electronic mail. These are sent using a computer and internet connection.
8) Fax Machine:
  • It is a machine attached to landline phones which can be used to send messages written on paper.

New Words:

Portable: Something that can be easily carried to different places.

Articles: Paragraphs written on particular topics.

Convenient: Easy to use.

Did You Know?

  • Radio channels are also called FM channels. During live radio programmes, the hosts interact with the listeners.
  • We can transfer money instantly to our near and dear ones via phone or computer.