1.Is a Tomato a Fruit or a Vegetable?
- Tomato is a fruit that grows on the tomato plant.
- A tomato flower matures to get converted into a fruit with seeds in it.

2.Other Than Burning Wood, Will It Be Possible to Make Fuel Out of Plants?
- It is possible to generate fuel from plant and animal waste.
- Ethanol and biogas are examples of such fuels.
- Biofuels burn with less or no smoke and hence, cause less pollution.
3. Is It True That Forests Attract Rain? How?
- Plants release water in the form of water vapour by the process of transpiration.
- More the number of trees higher is the rate of transpiration.
- Hence, an area covered with forest receives more rainfall as the amount of water vapour increases in the air.
4. When the green plants performs photosynthesis?
- Plants perform photosynthesis only in the presence of sunlight during, which they release oxygen. At night they respire like animals and hence, produce carbon dioxide.
- But some plants such as Tulsi, Peepal, Aloe vera, Neem, etc., also release some amount of oxygen at night time.