Basic Human Needs : Food, Water, and Air

1.What Is Junk Food? How Junk Food Is Harmful to Your Body?

Junk Food


  • Food-rich unhealthy fats, salts, and refined sugars are called junk foods.
  • Pizza, burgers, soft drinks, etc., are examples.
  • Such food items do not make us healthy but rather cause harm to the body and make us fat.
  • We should not consume such foods too much to stay fit.


2.What Is Filtration?

  • Filtration stands for the removal of waste or unwanted substances from water. Filtration is performed to purify impure water.
  • Impure water is not suitable for consumption; hence filtered and cleaned before consumption.


3.How Do Hot Air Balloons Work?

  • Hot air balloons are filled with hot air.
  • Hot air is lighter than cold air and travels upwards in the atmosphere.
  • This leads to the lifting of a hot air balloon in the sky.


4.Why Eating Whole Fruits Is Better Than Having Fruit Juices?

  • Consuming fruit juices reduces the amount of fiber present in the fruit.
  • Also, consuming juices directly leads to the consumption of more sugar.
  • The fibers and roughage present in fruits help in digestion. Consuming whole fruit keeps the level of sugar balanced.


           Eating Whole Fruits Is Better Than Having Fruit Juices


5.Why Mother’s Milk Is Important for Newborn Babies?
  • Small babies cannot eat or drink anything other than the mother’s milk.
  • Mother’s milk is the only source of nutrients for the baby.
  • Mother’s milk is the complete food, and the baby can survive without consuming other food items


              Mother’s Milk
