Students will learn cinquain poem examples and images. They will also study about the feature and pattern of a cinquain poem. There are some exceptions to the rules of cinquain.
In this learning concept, the students will learn:
Every concept for class 5 English students have been covered using examples, illustrations, and concept maps. Once you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.
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Cinquain poem was invented by Adelaide Crapsey, an American poet. It is a short poem that contains the following :
Cinquain does not follow grammar in the strict sense. However, you can follow the trick given below to remember the pattern quickly:
The first line: Noun
The second line: Description of Noun (Adjectives)
The third line: Action (-ing verbs)
The fourth line: Feeling or Effect (a four-word phrase)
The fifth line: Synonym of the initial noun in line 1
In the Cinquain poem, the syllable is written in the following manner:
(Each word has two syllables)
Follow the steps below to write a Cinquain poem.
Fluffy, white
Moving, gliding, swaying
Looks like cotton
Cinquain poems have various rhythms. They don't always have to rhyme. However, you can add rhyming words by using the word that rhymes with the last word of the previous line. The words ‘June’ and ‘monsoon’ rhyme. i
Wet, puddles
Dropping, drizzling, shivering
Thunders during monsoon
Five senses poem is also called 6 line poem in English. It uses similes too. A five senses poem describing the topic through the five senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste.
In this learning concept, students will learn:
All the learning concepts covered for Class 5 have illustrations, mind maps, and examples. Students can check their understanding by solving the two printable PDF worksheets. The solutions to these exercises are also available in PDF format.
Before you start writing a five-senses poem, decide the words you will use to describe your topic using the five senses. You can describe your topic or subject by using each of the five senses if required.
For instance, describing a chocolate cake using all my five senses.
Now that you've done some brainstorming, you can write a poem by adding the descriptions you felt using your five senses.
As has been discussed before, a five-sense poem is comprised of six lines. Out of the six lines, each line goes like this discussed below.
by Miss Larson
Hawaii is blue,
It tastes like shaved ice,
It sounds like waves crashing on the beach,
It smells like plumeria flowers,
It looks like my dream home,
It makes me feel happy.
So having studied so far, let us once have a look at the chief features of the ‘senses poem’.It consists of six lines.
A lot of similes are used for comparison. For instance, “ tastes like shaved ice”, “smells like plumeria flowers” etc.
There is no need for rhyme to write a five senses poem.
The first line compares the subject with emotion, color, or mood.
The next five lines compare the traits of the subject with different senses.
The topic is usually a one-word topic and an animal name is not chosen in this regard.
Sometimes the opening line is dropped and it directly starts with the senses. Then the poem becomes a five-line ‘senses poem’ instead of a six-line one.
We don’t have to use all five senses to write a poem. We only apply those that best convey the message.
Clerihew, is also known as a four line poem. It is a light quatrain verse which are of varying length and deals with a person named in the first line.
In this learning concept , students will learn:
All the learning concepts covered for Class 5 have illustrations, mind maps, and examples. Students can check their understanding by solving the two printable PDF worksheets. The solutions to these exercises are also available in PDF format.
The Clerihew poem was invented by Edmund Clerihew Bentley in the beginning of the 20th century. It is a comic verse consisting of two couplets.
Clerihews by Edmund Clerihew Bentley
Sir Humphrey Davy
Detested gravy.
He lived in the odium
Of having discovered sodium.
Sir Christopher Wren
Said, “I’m going to dine with some men.
If anyone calls,
Say I’m designing St. Paul’s.”