An email, otherwise called electronic mail, is a method of exchanging letters immediately through the Internet from one system to another. The old form of letter writing has largely been replaced by email.
Let us look at each of the format’s elements.
To: Here, you must mention the email address of the receiver. Without an email address, neither the sender nor the receiver can send or receive an email.
Cc/Bcc:This is mostly used in formal letters. The full form of ‘cc’ is ‘carbon copy’. And the full form of ‘bcc’ is ‘blind carbon copies. In the past, carbon paper was used to make copies of letters. Owing to the terms ‘cc’ and ‘bcc’ are still used extensively. Both cc and bcc are used to send copies of an email to another person apart from the receiver. However, this is not required in informal emails until and unless it is a mass invitation to many people.
Subject: A subject line consists of what the email is about in a few words.
Salutation: The salutation used in an informal email depends on the kind of relationship you have with the receiver.
Introduction: This is the first paragraph of the email. It gives the receiver the purpose of the email. This paragraph will be very brief. It could also ask about general well-being.
It has been a long since I have heard from you. Hope it is all fine on your end.
Body: The body of the email varies as per the purpose of the email. This part of the email is written after the introduction. Here you can describe what you want to convey in detail. You can divide the body into small paragraphs if needed. Body: The body of the email varies as per the purpose of the email. This part of the email is written after the introduction. Here you can describe what you want to convey in detail. You can divide the body into small paragraphs if needed.
Conclusion: The conclusion is a final message before sending the email. There is no fixed format to conclude an email.
Looking forward to hearing from you. Hope to see you soon.
Signature: This involves the name of the sender. Some of the common phrases sign off are:
Best regards,
Yours loving,
Yours sincerely,
Name of the sender: Your Name
A. Informal Email Writing Example
Subject: Thank you for a wonderful birthday gift.
Dear Asha aunty,
How are you doing? Hope you all are fine. Hope my cousins are doing great. I was really happy to see the wonderful birthday gift that you sent me.
Surprisingly, I received the gift in the afternoon, just before my birthday celebration. I was happy and eager too. It was so beautifully wrapped. I opened it. I see a beautiful dress, a card and a chocolate box. Such a wonderful pink colour dress it was, and the chocolates were yummy. So thoughtful of my cousins to send a beautiful card that they had made.
Hopefully will meet you all soon. Convey my special regards to uncle too. Thank you once again for making my birthday special.
With love,