Nouns are naming words. It can name anything like a person, an animal, a thing, a quality, an idea, a group etc. Based on this, a noun is classified into further subtypes.
We will be studying three types of nouns. The three types of nouns are mentioned below.
Mt Everest
Proper Noun
Common Noun
Collective Noun
A. Proper Noun :
stands for names of specific people, place or thing, and they always start with a capital letter. For instance, Mumbai, Ganges, Rakesh, etc.
Examples :
B. Common Noun :
Nouns that are general names of a thing or a person within a group are called common nouns.
C. Collective Noun :
A collective noun refers to a collection or group of something or some people like a crowd, shoal, bundle, etc.
Examples :
Application / Rules :
Proper nouns should always start with a capital letter. Example: Taj mahal is one of the wonders of the world
A noun must agree with the verb in terms of person, number and gender.
Example: Aarti does not know about the class.
When collective nouns are taken as a whole, then it will take singular verb, but when they show different things combined together, then they will take a plural verb.
Example: The team has performed well.
Some common nouns are not used in plural form. We do not add ‘s’ or ‘es’ to make some common nouns plural but only use them in the singular form. If they indicate more than one, then we don’t add ‘s’ or es’.
Examples :
Look at the sentence below. Here ‘s’ should not be added.
I need the infomations ❌
I need the information. ✅
Examples :
Look at the sentence below, the ‘s’ after blind is inappropriate. It should be only ‘blind’ instead. In the sentence given below, ‘blind’ means the group of people who are blind, so the word is used in the singular form.
We have started a school for the blinds. ❌
We have started a school for the blind. ✅
This mind map should help you remember the type of noun better.
This concept is all about gender for class 5. Students will learn about different types of gender which include masculine, feminine, and neuter along with examples and common mistakes. Students will also study some rules to change the gender in English by adding suffixes.
The students will learn the following from the concept:
Every concept is taught to class 5 English students with the help of examples, illustrations, and concept maps. Once you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the printable gender worksheet at the page’s end.
Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept, Gender for Class 5, provided in PDF format.
Here, we will discuss masculine, feminine, and neuter gender.
A. Masculine
The names that belong to male persons or animals are known as masculine gender.
For example, boy, father, lion, etc.
B. Feminine
The names that belong to female persons or animals are known as feminine gender.
For example: girl, mother, lioness, etc.
C. Neuter
Non living things fall under the neuter gender. Plants are also included under the neuter gender.
For example, table, flower, pen, etc.
1. Sometimes a noun is changed from the masculine gender to the feminine gender by adding a suffix like ‘ess’.
No. | Masculine | Feminine |
a. | Poet | Poetess |
b. | Prince | Princess |
2. In some cases, the gender of the noun may be changed by changing the second part of the word that indicates the gender
No. | Masculine | Feminine |
a. | Land lord | Land lady |
b. | Step father | Step mother |
3. Some genders denote masculine when the suffix ‘man’ is added and feminine when the suffix ‘woman’ is added.
No. | Masculine | Feminine |
a. | Chairman | Chairwoman |
b. | Fireman | Firewoman |
Whenever we change the gender of a noun in a sentence, don’t forget to change the pronoun as well.
Incorrect and Correct Usage:
The two girls walking in the park are sisters.
Samantha is her sister. ✅
The woman went to the park with her sister. ✅
The woman went to the park with his sister. ❌
In this concept, students will be able to revise the concept of nouns and various types of nouns. They can also study abstract nouns in details along with examples and pictures. Abstract nouns dicusses the emotions, ideas, or conditions of something.
In this learning concept, the students will learn the following:
The students of class 5 English will learn all the concepts along with examples, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable Noun reap and abstract noun worksheets given at the end of the page.
Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept nouns recap and abstract nouns provided in PDF format.
There are about three types of nouns which are proper, common and collective nouns. Let us take a look at the meaning of all these nouns.
A. Proper nouns are names of places, things or animals. It is not used for something in general but those which are specific for a particular person, animal or thing.
B. Common nounsare names of a particular class or group of people, things or animals. Common nouns are common names given to people, places and things.
C. Collective nouns are nouns that signify some person, animal or thing in groups.
Now let us learn about the fourth type of noun, which is the abstract noun.
Abstract Nouns Definition:
Abstract nouns are ideas that refer to quality. They cannot be felt like physical objects.
In the example given above, ‘beauty’ and ‘anger’ are not things that can be touched, but these words are ideas of what makes a beautiful person & what does anger do to people.
Abstract nouns can be better understood once you look at the categories, it is divided into. The various type or classifications of abstract nouns are as follows:
1. Emotion
Abstract nouns can indicate some kind of emotion.
Happiness cannot be bought by money.
2. Idea
Abstract nouns often show some idea.
Knowledge is the biggest power of an individual.
3. State
By state, it means the condition at which something or someone at a particular point in time.
Freedom is our birthright.
4. Action
Nouns that describe an action, such types of abstract nouns originate from verbs like laughter describe the action ‘to laugh’.
Laughter is the best medicine.
5. Event
These abstract nouns denote an occurrence of an event or incident.
My birthday is on the 7th of February.
1. Abstract nouns are often confused with adjectives since both have some similarities while stating qualities or state/conditions.
In the first sentence, the word ‘sadness’ speaks about sad emotion. It might be confused with an adjective, but it is an abstract noun. However, in the second sentence, the word ‘sad’ is an adjective as it describes the noun ‘voice’.
2. Some abstract nouns may be confused with verbs since they both, in a certain way, denote action in some cases.
Here in the first sentence, ‘laugh’ is a verb but in the second sentence, ‘laughter’ is an abstract noun.