In this concept, students will learn about questions words used in sentences. These words are also referred to as wh question words. It also teaches the students the difference between different question words.
The students will learn the following:
Every concept is taught to class 4 English students with the help of examples, illustrations, and concept maps. Once you go through this chapter, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets at the page’s end. Download the question words worksheet and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept question words provided in PDF format.
The word ‘how’ which is an adverb is used when you want to know to what extent.
When is a wh question word. We use ‘when’ to enquire about the time of something happens.
The word ‘Where’ is a question word. We use ‘where’ to ask for information about the place.
The word ‘Which’ is a question word. We use ‘which’ to ask for specific information.
The word ‘Who’ is used to ask asking which person or people.(subject)
We use ‘whom’ more commonly in formal writing to enquire which people or person.
The word ‘Whose’ is a wh-word that is used ask a question about ownership.
Why is a wh question word .it is used to talk about reasons and explanations.
Students will learn about declarative and imperative sentences, along with examples. They will also learn how these two kinds of sentences differ. Moreover, common mistakes that must be avoided while using this topic are also specified.
In this learning concept, the students will know about the following:
Every concept is taught to class 4 English students with the help of examples, illustrations, and concept maps. Once you go through this, assess your learning by solving the two printable types of sentences worksheets given at the end of the page. Download the worksheet and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept kinds of sentences provided in PDF format.
A sentence can be classified into four types based on its functions. These four types are declarative, imperative interrogative, and exclamatory. There are a few kinds of sentences which you can use while speaking or writing. Each type of sentence serves a purpose. The kinds of sentences are as follows:
We will be focusing on declarative and imperative sentences.
Punctuation is used in a declarative sentence.
Declarative sentences make a statement which is ended with a full stop. Do not add a question mark or exclamation mark with declarative sentences.
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