Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. For example:
Homonyms are words that look or sound the same but have different meanings.
Tip to Remember:
Practice by matching homophones or using homonyms in sentences to understand their meanings!
It's necessary to know words with more than one meaning, which are homophones. The words of the same sound are called homonyms, but they mean something completely different. It is important not to misinterpret what is being said because of these words. Here in this chapter, students of class 4 will get an idea of these words in English grammar. They will study the definition and examples and common mistakes made while using them in sentences.
Each concept has been thoroughly explained in an easy-to-understand for class 4 students using diagrams, examples, and concept maps. You can evaluate your learning by answering the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.
‘Homo’ means ‘same’ and ‘phones’ means ‘sound’ hence, Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same but have different spelling and meaning. Understanding homophones is an essential part of learning English and building vocabulary.
Look at the words used in the sentences given below:
Can see the sea very clearly with my binoculars.
Betty bought some bitter butter.
Get some chicken from the kitchen.
The word ‘homo’ means ‘the same’ and ‘nyms’ means ‘name’.
Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings. They sound the same and spelt the same.
1. Bat: flying bird / a playing instrument to hit a ball. |
2. Ring: a circular object /circular band on the finger. |
A. The cat wagged its tail.
B. I need a new pair of shoes.
C. Can you hear the deer in the forest?
D. I will write my homework later.
Which word is a homonym in this sentence?
"The farmer dug a well near the barn."
A. Dug
B. Well
C. Near
D. Barn
Which pair of words are homophones?
A. Right – Write
B. Bow – Arrow
C. Bear – Animal
D. Night – Darkness
Choose the correct homophone to complete the sentence:
"The glass was so thin, I could see right through the ___."
A. Pain
B. Pane
C. Plain
D. Plane
Which sentence uses a homophone incorrectly?
A. She read the tale of the rabbit and the tortoise.
B. We need to buy more flowers for baking.
C. The boat sailed across the sea.
D. I will not let you bear this burden alone.
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