In this concept, the students will learn the formation of contraction words. This concept discusses how negative words are contracted by adding the letters n’t to make it negative.
In this learning concept, the students will learn:
The students of class 2 will learn all the concepts along with examples, illustrations, and concept maps. After you go through a concept, assess your learning by solving the two printable worksheets given at the end of the page.
Download the worksheets and check your answers with the worksheet solutions for the concept Contraction Words provided in PDF format.
a) For the word ‘I am’ the contraction will be ‘I’m’. Here, you can see that the letter ‘a’ of the word ‘am’ isn’t present in the contraction form. Instead, an apostrophe is used to represent that ‘a’.
Positive contractions are the ones that don’t include the word ‘not’. A positive contraction always sends out a positive meaning.
Negative contractions are the ones that mean ‘not’, so it includes n’t at the end of the word. A negative contraction gives out a negative meaning.
Put the apostrophe in the right place in the contractions to represent the missing letters. This applies to all the contractions
Examples :