Answer all the questions.

  1. Fill in the following blanks:(1 × 5 = 5)
    1. ………… dance has movements similar to snakes.
    2. The saltiest sea is the …………….
    3. Making jams is a way of preserving food by adding …………….
    4. The bark of …………… tree is used to make the medicine for malaria.
    5. …………… is known as the Cold Desert of India.
  2. Choose the correct answer:(1 × 5 = 5)
    1. Crude oil is purified at the—
      i) Petrol pumps ii) Oil refinery
      iii) Mills iv) All of these
    2. What happens to the rib cage when we breathe in?
      i) They expand ii) They contract
      iii) They remain in the same position iv) None of these
    3. Identify the person shown in the picture:

      i) Mahatma Gandhi

      ii) Sarojini Naidu

      iii) Rabindranath Tagore

      iv) BR Ambedkar

    4. Who was named Bacchu Khan due to his love for children?
      i) Sheikh Khan ii) Mustafa Khan
      iii) Sameer Khan iv) None of these
    5. Which of the following is not a reason for the migration of people from villages to cities?
      i) Building of dams ii) Building of industries
      iii) Celebrating festivals iv) Search for jobs
  3. Give one-word answers for the following:(1 × 7 = 7)
    1. What are the raised platforms made around water bodies called?
    2. Give an example of a substance soluble in water.
    3. Name a food item that is rich in iron.
    4. State a renewable form of energy.
    5. In which state is the Wardha village located?
    6. Name the device used to spin cotton manually.
  4. Answer the following questions in one sentence:(1 × 4 = 4)
    1. Name two food items that are preserved by adding salt to them.
    2. Identify the sport shown in the picture. Name a famous player belonging to this sport.
    3. Why do you think people from rural areas cannot settle easily in cities? Mention any two reasons.
    4. Why do you think the government has mandated basic education for all?
  5. Answer the following questions in brief:(2 × 10 = 20)
    1. How do dogs and tigers mark their territories?
    2. State two ways the snake charmers depend on snakes for their livelihood.
    3. Mention two practices that can help in replenishing the groundwater level.
    4. What do you understand by rappelling?
    5. How were smaller kingdoms merged into bigger ones in the early days?
    6. See the picture and answer the questions—

      i) These types of houses are found in which areas?(1)

      ii) Why do they have sloping roofs?(1)

    7. Which natural calamity shook the Kutch area of Gujarat on 26 January 2001? How did people react to it?
    8. State one difference between the methods used to increase soil fertility in ancient and modern times. Which one do you think is better?
    9. How do adivasis depend on forests? State any two points.
    10. Give reasons for the following— (1 + 1)

      i) Gandhiji did all his work on his own.

      ii) Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan campaign was started by the Prime Minister.

  6. Answer the following questions:(3 × 3 = 9)
    1. Label the following diagram.(1/2 × 6 = 3)


    a. i) Which is the longest organ of the alimentary canal? (1)
    ii) What is the function of saliva in the mouth? (1)
    iii) What happens to the undigested food? (1)

    b. Give two examples for each of the following:(1 + 1 + 1)
    i) Seeds used as spices.
    ii) Seeds scattered by water.
    iii) Seeds used for extracting oil.


b. Seed X was kept wrapped in a moist cloth for one day. On the other hand, seed Y was kept in an airtight glass jar for a day. Seed X germinated the next day, whereas Seed Y didn’t germinate and started rotting after some days.
i) Why do you think seed X germinated? (1)
ii) Why seed Y did not germinate? (1)
iii) What do you mean by germination? (1)

c. See the picture and answer the questions— (1+2)


i) Which trait do you think the children have inherited from their parents? Mention any one.

ii) Define the factors responsible for the inheritance of characters from generation to generation. Where do you find them in the body?


c. i) What is a family tree? (1)

ii) What do you understand by generation in a family tree? (1)
iii) Look at the family tree and— (½+ ½ = 1)

    • State the relation between Sharmila and Rahul.
    • How is Deepak related to Manish?

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