Answer all the questions.

Section A

  1. Complete the passage with suitable articles.(½×10=5)

    Irvaan Melhotra, ______middle-class man, who lived with his family on ______ income of twelve hundred ______ year. He was very well satisfied with his livelihood. One day, he sat down on ______ sofa after supper and began reading ______newspaper. "I forgot to look at ______ newspaper today," his wife said to him as she cleared ______ table. "Look and see whether ______article I always read is still there." "Yes, it is," he said, "Should I read ______article for you?" "What is it about?" she inquired. He replied, “It is on ______ current rise in fuel prices.”

  2. Write the negative contractions of the following words.(½×6=3)
    1. would not
    2. have not
    3. shall not
    4. cannot
    5. will not
    6. were not
  3. Complete the sentences using the words has/have/had.(1×3=3)
    1. My aunt _____ a yellow car that she drives often.
    2. He_______been under a lot of stress lately.
    3. You will _____ to complete your homework.
  4. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions.(½×4=2)
    1. Jessica sleeps early_______night.
    2. The money is kept ______ the tablebeside the lamp.
    3. My grandfather takes a stroll ______ dinnerthen goes off to sleep.
    4. He is certainly ______ the age of fifty.
  5. Complete the sentences with the opposite gender of the noun in the bracket. (½×4=2)
    1. My elder _________(brother) is a generous person.
    2. The ________(king) ordered that no taxes should be levied for a year.
    3. She has a very dutiful ________(son).
    4. My ______(landlord) is very rude.

    Section B

  6. Read the extract and answer the following questions. (20)

    Neetu is an eight-year-old girl who lives in Kolkata. She loves to spend her vacation with her grandparents. During the summer vacations, Neetu, along with her parents, definitely visits her grandparents.She loves her grandparents and they too love her very much. They care for her in the little things her grandparents do for her. Her grandmother cooks a variety of delicacies for her. Her grandfather gives her toys to play and takes her around the town and the fields too.
    Neetu enjoys the most when she spends time with the pets there, like the hens and the cow named Lakshmi. Neetu plays with the calf, gives food to the cow, the calf and hens everyday. Neetu gets gifts from her grandparents when she returns from her native place. Sometimes, it’s a dress or an indoor game or a storybook.

    1. How old is Neetu? (1)
    2. What does she do during her vacations? (1)
    3. How does Neetu’s grandmother care for Neetu? (1)
    4. What does Neetu’s grandfather give her? (1)
    5. Which animals are mentioned in the passage? (1)
    6. What does Neetu enjoy the most when she is with her grandparents? (2)
    7. What does Neetu get from her grandparents when she returns home? (1)
  7. Do as directed
    1. Write two proper nouns from the sentence given below. (1)

      Neetu is an eight-year-old girl who lives in Kolkata.

    2. Identify 4 verbs from the following extract. (½×4=2)

      Neetu enjoys the most when she spends time with the pets there, like the hens and the cow called Lakshmi. Neetu plays with the calf, gives food to the cow and the hens.

    3. Mention 3 activities done by Neetu when she is with her grandparents. (1×3=3)
  8. Choose the correct type of noun from the given sentence. (3)

    Neetu enjoys the most when she spends time with the pets there, like the hens and the cow called Lakshmi.

    1. Which are the common nouns from the above sentence? (1)
      1. hens and cow
      2. Neetu and Lakshmi
      3. she and Lakshmi
    2. Which are the proper nouns in the given sentence? (1)
      1. hens and cow
      2. Neetu and Lakshmi
      3. she and pets
    3. ____ is a pronoun in the above sentence. (1)
      1. hens
      2. pets
      3. she
  9. Identify the tense of the given sentences. (3)
    1. The boys rushed out of the room.
    2. Dolly worries about her clothes and things.
    3. Stephy will write her letters.

    Section C

  10. Complete the given short story with the help of picture clues and the given outline. (6)

    A young and clever elephant all alone- the elephant tried to make friends with the monkey but was ignored- tried to speak with rabbit but rabbit was rude- the elephant spoke to the frog- the frog did not talk- elephant all alone- One day, a lion came to the jungle and was going to catch the animal- elephant was clever – elephant told the lion that all the animals went across the river – the lion believed and left – elephant saved the animals -All animals became friends with elephants.

  11. Write a letter to your friend describing your holiday trip with family.


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