- Fill in the blanks.(1 × 10 = 10)
- Multiplication means repeated _______.
- If today’s date is 10/03/2022, the month is ________.
- The number 99 is written in words as ________.
- 10, 20, 30, ___, ___
- 1 Ten = 10 Ones, 4 Tens = ___
- 12 + 11 = ___, 11 + 12 = ___
- Seasons: Winter, Spring, ________, ________
- 45 can be written in expanded form as: ___ + ___
- ___ is the next odd number after 15.
- 231
431. ( > , < )
- Answer the following.(1 × 5 = 5)
In the word ‘Kabaddi’
- The letter b is at the_____ place from the left.
- There are total ___ letters in the given word.
- Number of times letter d repeated is _____.
- Number of times letter a repeated is _____.
- Position of ‘K’ from the write is_____.
- Do as directed.(2 × 5 = 10)
- Draw the shapes which has:
- Circle the short objects.
- Tick ( ✔ ) the pot which contain more.
- Count the objects by making group of ten.
- Write the following addition in the form of multiplication.
3 × 3 = 9
_____ × _____ = _____
- Solve the following.(2 × 5 = 10)
- Complete the following patterns.
- Arrange the numbers in ascending order and descending order.
123, 60, 9, 78, 3
- Write the numbers in expanded form.
- 240 = ____
- 80 = _____
- Write the place value and face value of the underlined numbers.
- 88
Face value = ___ Place value = ___
- 394
Face value = ___ Place value = ___
- By using following number make 2 two-digit even numbers and 2 two-digit odd numbers.
3, 7, 2, 1
Even numbers = __, __ Odd numbers = __, __
- Solve the following.(3 × 5 = 15)
- Do the addition.
- Write the following numbers into the subtraction table correctly and do the subtraction.
- 8 - 2
- 74 - 21
- 66 - 39
- Which combination of given coins and notes you will use to buy the following things?
= Rs 100 =
= Rs. 75 =
= Rs. 45 =
- Count the number of shapes in the given picture.
- Circle =
- Triangle =
- Rectangle =
- Complete the table for the above number of shapes and answer the following questions.
Shape |
Draw the shapes |
Total number of shapes |
Circle |
Triangle |
Rectangle |
- Which shape is the most in number?
- Which shape is the least in number?
- Find the difference between number of Circles and number of Triangles.
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