Prakriti Dhodare |
Academics |
2024-08-07 |
null mins read
Of the many wonders of nature, volcanoes are both fascinating and terrifying at the same time. The sheer beauty of the magma coming out of the volcanic peak is enough to invoke fear and awe. Have you ever wondered how many volcanoes are there in India? Do you know how many volcanoes in India are active? It’s time your kid knew the names of the volcanoes in India and how they erupted. Read on to learn more about volcanoes in India and their types.
An opening in the earth’s crust through which lava, ash, and gases erupt is known as a volcano. It includes the cone-shaped landform built by repeated eruptions over time. When a volcano explodes, magma is driven up through the opening with terrific force. When magma reaches the earth‘s surface, it is known as lava. Lava can be 2,200°F (1,204°C) hot. Some volcanic outbursts are explosive.
Learn about the types of Volcanoes and how many volcano in india are present :
The cinder cones are the most basic volcanoes. It is made of pieces and blobs of hardened lava that came out of a certain vent. Gases inside the molten rock are too high and are blown into the air. As a result, they congeal into large chunks that shatter and drop like cinders around the vent to create a layer. Usually, cinder cones have a bowl-shaped crater at the panel. They rarely rise more than a thousand feet above their surroundings.
The composite volcanoes are also known as stratovolcanoes. They are usually big, symmetrical cones with steep sides made of alternating layers of lava flow, volcanic ash, cinders, blocks, and bombs that can rise up to 8,000 feet above their bases.
When a composite volcano becomes dormant, erosion begins to destroy the cone. As the cone is stripped away, the hardened magma filling the tube (the volcanic plug) and fissures (the dikes) become exposed, and later it is slowly reduced by erosion.
A shield volcano forms when a volcano produces low-viscosity, runny lava that spreads far from the source and creates a volcano with gentle slopes. This process is known as a shield volcano. Most of it is formed from fluid and basaltic lava flows.
Domes originate from the slow extrusion of highly viscous silicic lava. Most lava domes don’t have enough gas or pressure to blow up, but violent events can sometimes follow them. They are made when thick magma leaks out of a vent and flows out onto the surface, where it builds up around the vent. Most domes are minor, and many do not even have a crater. Some dome-forming outbursts start with highly explosive eruptions that shrink into dome-building ones as the gas pressure in the magma reduces.
There is a total of eight volcanoes in India. Among them, only one volcano is active (Barren Island). The remaining volcanoes are not in an active stage (which means they have not recently erupted), including mud volcanoes in India. The most recent eruption happened in 2017. It is the only active volcano from Sumatra to Myanmar in the chain of volcanoes. Barren Island is a tourist place surrounded by water in the Andaman Sea and dominated by Barren Volcano.
Name | Elevation | Location | Last active | Type |
Barren Island | 1161 ft | Andaman Islands | Active since 2021 | Stratovolcano, Active |
Narcondam | 2329 ft | Andaman Islands | 1681 | Stratovolcano, Dormant |
Deccan Plateau | 4920 | Central India | 25 mya (million years ago) | Caldera |
Baratang Island | 1745 | Andaman Islands | Active since 2003 | Mud volcanoes, Active |
Dhinodhar Hills | 1266.4 | Gujarat | 500 mya (million years ago) | Extinct |
Dhosi Hill | 2427 | Haryana | 750 mya (million years ago) | Extinct |
Tosham Hills | 679 | Haryana | 732 mya (million years ago) | Extinct |
In the Andaman Sea, there is an island called Barren Island, and it has the only active volcano that has been identified in the Indian subcontinent. It is a part of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian Union and is located 138 kilometres (86 miles) northeast of Port Blair, the territory’s capital. The volcano’s first known eruption was in 1787. The volcano has erupted more than 10 times since then, with the most recent eruption being in 2020.
The northern Andaman Sea is home to the tiny volcanic island of Narcondam, which is also the easternmost island of India. The island’s peak is made of andesite and rises to a height of 710 metres above mean sea level. It is part of the Andaman Islands. It’s possible that the name Narcondam came from the Tamil term naraka-kundram, which means “a pit of Hell.”
The large Deccan Plateau of the Indian Subcontinent lies between two mountain ranges. It is roughly defined as the peninsular area south of the Narmada River between the Western and Eastern Ghats. It is bordered to the north by the Satpura and Vindhya Mountains. The fact that the Deccan Plateau is mostly made up of basalt, which is an extrusive igneous rock, is proof of its volcanic origins.
Baratang Island, a part of the Andaman Islands, is home to the only known mud volcanoes in India. It lies 150 kilometres north of Port Blair and is famous for its beaches, mangrove streams, limestone caverns, and mud volcanoes. The mud volcanoes in Baratang have sometimes erupted. The recent eruptions in 2005 are thought to have been brought on by the earthquake that occurred in the Indian Ocean in 2004.
Dhinodhar Hills are located in Kutch, Gujarat. Dhinodhar Hills are composed of aphanitic rocks. Dhinodhar is not a vent in and of itself. It is made up of the eroded remains of a subvolcanic intrusion that was built during the Deccan Traps.
The Indian states of Rajasthan and Haryana are separated by Dhosi Hill. It is located at the northwest tip of the Aravalli mountain range. It is a lone extinct volcano and a significant Vedic-era site. It has a clearly defined crater, lava that is still on the surface, and a perfect cone-shaped view from the top.
Located in the Indian state of Haryana, the Tosham Hills have a 732 Ma BP (million years before present) age and lie in the Aravalli Craton. They are part of the ancient Precambrian Malani igneous sequence of rocks. It is a piece of the outer ring of a chamber that fell off of an extinct volcano.
Loktak Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Indian state of Manipur. The only way out of Loktak Lake is through the Ungamel Channel. The Manipur River and several smaller tributaries feed the lake. Loktak Lake is a super volcanic caldera, or a large depression in the shape of a cauldron, that forms soon after a volcano erupts and the magma chamber is emptied. The status of this Indian volcano is unknown, so we don’t know whether it is a dormant volcano in India or an active volcano in India.
Name | Location | Last Eruption | Type |
Barren Island | Andaman Islands | Active since 2017 | Stratovolcano (Active) |
Narcondam | Andaman Islands | 1681 | Stratovolcano (Dormant) |
Deccan Plateau | Central India | 25 million years ago | Caldera |
Baratang Island | Andaman Islands | Active since 2003 | Mud volcanoes (Not very active) |
Dhinodhar Hills | Gujarat | 500 million years ago | Extinct |
Dhosi Hill | Haryana | 750 million years ago | Extinct |
Tosham Hills | Haryana | 732 million years ago | Extinct |
Loktak Lake | Manipur | 100 million years ago | Supervolcanic caldera (Unknown) |
Answer: Dhosi Hill, Dhinodhar Hills, and Tosham Hills are the three extinct volcanoes in India. So, we can say that there are three extinct volcanoes in India that we know of. There are a few volcanoes in India that aren’t known to be active, dormant, or dead, so they can’t be put into one of those three categories.
Answer: The only active volcano in India is the Barren Island Volcano, which is a stratovolcano. It is an island in the Andaman Sea on the Indian subcontinent. It is in a chain stretching from Sumatra to Myanmar.
Answer: Barren Island is the largest volcano in India. It is 354 metres high and the only active volcano in India.
Here are the names of the volcanoes in India:
1. Barren Island
2. Narcondam Island
3. Dhinodhar Hills
4. Deccan Traps
5. Mount Abu
6. Tosham Hills
7. Rajmahal Hills
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