How To Stop A Crying Child?

orchidadmin |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

How To Stop A Crying Child?

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“Why do kids cry?” ; “How do I stop my child from crying?”; and the list of questions go on. Children cry because of numerous reasons. This can be due to being separated from their caregiver or guardians with whom they are very attached, either for a short time or simply having nobody around them at all. Crying is also used as an alarm system when the child realizes that he/she might have done something wrong and doesn’t want to get in trouble with mommy or daddy. A baby crying is a common sight in our society. They can be seen everywhere from grocery stores to restaurants. 

Child development experts have come up with several theories on why children cry and how parents should respond to it. Child psychologists and therapists have observed that children who are not responded to or comforted when they cry can become anxious and insecure. So, parents should just make sure that they are responding to their children’s distress by involving themselves and comforting them. This will contribute to their personality development as well. You do not have to make it the only thing you do when they cry. You can still get them to eat, take a bath, or read some books before bed. Child development experts also observed that children who were not responded to or comforted during baby crying episodes would become more reluctant and resistant to efforts of being soothed at other times in their lives.


The psychological development of a child is the process of a child growing and maturing from infancy to adulthood. There are many different theories that describe how children develop including attachment theory which explains why young kids cry so often. Young children will cry for various reasons such as pain, grief, boredom or when they are scared or hungry. 


What Does the Attachment Theory Say About It?

The attachment theory states that when a child feels secure, he is less likely to cry because he or she feels safe and loved by the adults around them. The attachment theory is one of the oldest theories on why children cry. Child psychologists believe that baby crying happens when a child cannot get close enough to his/her parents or guardians, either because they’re busy with other tasks or just too far away from each other due to any other concerning reasons. Irrespective of the reason, the outcome for the child is identical, heartbreak and crying. 

Children with secure attachment have the ability to show their needs and vulnerabilities in an environment of safety as they grow towards their adulthood. This is because they feel safe in a familiar place or person’s presence. Therefore when parents give children enough time, attention and care without being neglectful, overprotective or inconsistent, then these kids are less likely to cry. 

The process of attachment starts in infancy, then continues into early childhood and adolescence. It is our duty as elders and protectors of our kids to make them feel safe and give them a perfectly friendly and warm environment where they can share and express anything and everything.


Few Reasons and Their Ways To Stop a Baby Cry

  • Be more attentive to your children’s needs and wants so that you can remove any unnecessary stress or frustration from them. This definitely does not mean that you should give in to your children’s demands all the time, but when they are expressing displeasure or unhappiness over something then it is our responsibility to help them find a way out of that. 
  • Make sure to respond to their needs as quickly as possible and don’t allow yourself to get distracted by other things like phones, TV, etc. Give your child the love and attention they need and deserve. This will prevent your children from turning into naughty kids. 
  • Sometimes, the reason behind their crying could be as simple as hunger. If they are too young to express themselves and if the reason for their crying is because of hunger, then feed them! This helps with handling kids. 
  • Listen to your children and be aware of their needs. Children are not little adults, which is why you should always listen to what they have to say because they might need something that you wouldn’t think about. 
  • The best way for them to learn from a negative experience is by being there with them through it. Encourage them to get better at things that make them upset and cry. Ensure them, nothing is impossible, everything just needs time and patience.
  • When children cry because they feel unsafe and insecure, provide a safe and secure environment where they have plenty of opportunities to play with other kids or adults who are not distracted by anything other than them. 
  • Always give kids the time and care that they need because this will allow them to build healthy relationships with other people when these children grow and become independent of you in facing the world outside. 
  • If you are concerned about your infant child crying his or her lungs out for no apparent reason, you can comfort them in the most effective ways through techniques such as rocking, holding, patting on the back or singing songs. 
  • Sometimes, a child may feel insecure and start crying because he or she feels unwell. In this case, the best thing to do is take them to a medical centre for examination. 
  • If you are not sure what has made your little one cry so hard, always contact family members or friends who can help or offer some guidance based on their personal childs’ care experiences. 
  • The best thing to do is talk and listen as much as possible for the child so that they can develop healthy relationships with other people when these children grow and become independent of you in facing the world outside. 



Dear Parents, it’s okay to let your child cry. The most important thing is that you are there for them in their time of need and provide the reassurance they need when they want it. When we parents don’t give into our children’s cries, but instead show empathy by saying “I’m sorry you’re feeling so sad,” or “It sounds like this is really upsetting right now.”

Sometimes just knowing mommy or daddy will be here with open arms if things get too hard can help a crying baby feel better fast! If everything else fails and nothing seems to work, take a deep breath-you’ll figure out what works best on your own soon enough.


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