The Most Important Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Pallavi Gulati |

Parents Corner |

2021-05-25 |

null mins read

Benefits of Yoga

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In the modern world of competition, kids are under a lot of pressure; they have pressure to achieve their best in academics and to perform well in every task. They are facing so much stress that they can’t get time to focus on their health as a result they become obese or frequently fall ill.

To overcome all these challenges it has become our duty to introduce them with the word “YOGA”. Yoga is a Sanskrit word and is a combination of physical, mental, and spiritual practice. It is that important life skill that can help them to succeed in the world. 

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self”

— The Bhagavad Gita

Benefits of doing yoga for kids

Given below is a more detailed explanation of how teaching the benefits of yoga for kids in schools can have a positive impact on their well-being.

Increases Physical Flexibility 

By doing Yoga, children learn to use their muscles in many ways through which their physical strength is improved. They get to know more about their body and its functions. Thus, practicing Yoga on a regular basis leads to the correction of posture, preserves their flexibility and strengthens their muscles, and brings a balance to the whole body which is one of the most amazing benefits of yoga in schools. It is a much needed exercise during the current pandemic situation which has reduced kids playtime.

Improves Coordination and Balance

Balance is one of the most important key factors of Yoga and usually, it emerged from mental stability and clarity. Even if a child finds difficulty in standing on one foot while doing yoga, they learn to gain physical and mental balance by staying calm and trying. Coordination is also related to balance so when the balancing is done, coordination comes automatically and promotes overall dexterity.

Gains Concentration and Focus

Focus and Concentration are the two pillars for achieving excellence in education and life. After doing children’s yoga research, it has been found that different types of moves require children to focus and work on their memorization skills which in turn, help them in improving their scholastic performance. Yoga asana requires concentration on breathing techniques which in turn enhances the overall concentration in childrens.

Improves Sleep

It’s a common myth that kids don’t feel stressed, but in reality, they worry about their academic performance, thus practicing yoga regularly can help your child in relieving stress. The physical practice of yoga also helps them to relieve tension and increases their chances of sleeping well.

Strengthens the Connection between Mind and Body

Yoga includes the practice of both body and mind. Exercise is done by the body and the focus is gained through the mind which helps to make a strong connection between mind and body.

Improves Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is defined as the ability to identify the change in your behavior, thoughts, and emotions. It is a skill that helps children to solve their problems, thus, helping them to achieve both short- and long-term goals. Hence, one of the most important benefits of yoga for kids is that they learn to manage their emotions and handle the situation effectively and appropriately. 

Build Your Self-Esteem

While explaining yoga to a child, you will learn that yoga plays an important role in building up your self-esteem because it mainly focuses on intensifying your inner self with physical activities thus, building your self-esteem.

Feel relaxed and reduce stress

Emotional health is as important as physical health. Children are always under stress and pressure due to personal problems, studies, and many other issues. Hence, they need to practice yoga to relax their mind and reduce stress. Not only do the yoga poses reduce the stress factor but also they help you to infuse a better balance to life.

Brings About Compassion

Kids sometimes become too rude to themselves and others hence, it is important for them to bring a sense of compassion, respect, love, and kindness. In such cases, yoga plays an important role in bringing compassion to the mind and awareness. One of the most significant benefits of yoga for kids is that it teaches them to stay happy and kind.

Teaches Self-respect and Empathy

While doing children’s yoga research, it has been found that yoga helps children to focus on themselves and make them aware of their shortcomings. By practicing yoga regularly, kids learn to overcome these shortcomings of their bodies. 

Help Children in Developing Healthy Habits

One of the most important benefits of yoga for kids is that it not only helps children in learning healthy habits, but it also helps them in developing a healthy approach towards their eating habit and it also enhances one’s ability to calm themselves and focus on their mind.


Yoga is a way to lead a child to achieve mindfulness and inner peace. It is a technique to create harmony between their curious mind and body. Today’s kids are stuck to TV and smartphones, thus, practicing yoga regularly will give their body a necessary movement which is great for their health. The other benefits of yoga in schools are that it helps in improving the mood and self-regulation skills in the kids.

Little is enough for children to motivate themselves. However, they also tend to lose interest just as easily. In the same way, children are able to quickly withdraw from the world around them, but that level of concentration does not last long. Therefore, the key to practicing yoga is finding the right classes.

Children’s yoga is not the same as that practiced in adult classes. Yoga classes for children are more fun as the different postures become a game. You can also resort to imaginary trips and even songs.

So what are you waiting for? Introduce your kids to some fun ways to motivate them to practice yoga.


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