Teaching 6 Good Table Manners for Kids

Samadrita Chakraborty |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

Table Manners for Kids

Table of Contents


A child’s brain is as fertile as farmland. You have to cultivate it to the best of your ability. They learn new things every day. Try to incorporate good values into their learning like table manners. This is one such thing that we often ignore or do not think is important. But, if you want your child to be brought up as a global citizen, this is the most significant manner he should acquire. Child psychologists have also pointed out that table manners for kids are vital for their overall growth and development. It decides how tidy and organized your child is going to be. But before teaching them these manners, you must have a detailed understanding. So, start from the beginning.

What is Table Manners and Etiquette?

Every place in this world has a different code of conduct. A dining table is no different. They must have a vivid idea about everything, starting from the manner of eating to the manner of arranging tissues. Though the dining table seems like a place where we eat, it is more than that. The question of basic hygiene is intricately related to that place.

These table manners originated in Greece. They documented all the must-followed rules of the dining tables. After that, every western country followed them and it flowed to the eastern countries as well. There is no certain rulebook for table manners for kids. Adults teach them to follow what they have learned all these years. Initially, the royals followed a decorated rule for the dining tables. But with the change in time, people of different continents follow their set of rules. In India, these are just some basic table manners like how to hold the fork and the spoon, how to control them together, etc. Most people still find these rules baseless and insignificant. Let us find out why these table manners are important.

Why Are Table Manners Important?

The next reason why table manners should always prevail in the dining table and life at large is that in eating a delicious meal will make peace and satisfaction occur and bring happiness to a lot of people. At first, it can very quickly turn into chaos or shenanigans without proper etiquette during meals. The food and way we eat directly influence our personal enjoyment while simultaneously affecting those around us. Good table manners tend to create a pleasant dinner climate in which family and friends spend time together.

The first step of learning table manners is to learn the basic dynamics of dining: where to sit in proportion to the table, as well as which utensil does what and when to use it. For example, a child should understand that a fork is for a particular type of food, while a spoon serves for another. Children, although they will take a little time to understand, with patience and effort on the part of parents and caregivers, will learn in no time and effectively.

Table manners are also one of the lessons because these form the backbone of social interaction. Good manners show respect for oneself and others, and one gets a general understanding of what constitutes social norms. For example, you are sitting down and eating your chow mein. There are four people sitting at the table. The child cannot use a fork or knife properly. Dinner time is going to be uncomfortable and sloppy, which can lead to stained clothes and embarrassment. A child who knows how to eat properly is also more likely to enjoy dinner.

However, the bottom line is about confidence building. A kid well equipped with table manners finds himself able to socialize with others more freely because of this. This child is comfortable at any party in a family setting or his friend's place. This makes him grow perfectly in terms of social matters and equips him throughout his life to deal with every situation.

Hygiene and respect towards food are also well-developed aspects in good table manners. Good tabling manners develop this habit of chewing with a closed mouth and not speaking while feeding, thus minimizing the spreading of germs and creating a more pleasant environment for everyone. Not wasting food and not playing with it shows gratitude toward having been fed. This goes beyond the table since it teaches children to respect food origins and responsibility.

The most important aspect of table manners is the development of patience and self-discipline. When waiting for everyone to be served before starting to eat and taking turns in conversation at the table, a child learns the value of patience and consideration for others. These are life skills that can benefit them in many areas, from school to future workplaces.

This practice also needs to be part of daily life through the education of table manners. Great times to do this practice are at regular family dinners. The best thing parents can do is to model good behavior and remind children quietly and gently, until good manners become habits. Consistency and reinforcement help, as children learn from examples and positive reinforcement.

The lessons of table manners are about equipping children with valuable lifelong skills, not about having a clean mealtime environment. Good table manners ensure respect, confidence, hygiene, and social grace-invaluable qualities as kids grow and engage with their world. Time spent over these skills will pay itself off as your child well equips himself to have dinners with poise and grace.

List of Good Table Manners


List of Table Manner

1. Do Not Stuff Your Mouth With Food

Avoid stuffing your mouth with food. It appears to be bad conduct. You cannot speak when your mouth is full. Some particles of food may come out when you try to speak. Excessive food can choke your throat as well.

2. Proper Usage of Napkins & Utensils

One of the most remarkable table manners is the proper usage of napkins and utensils. The napkin is there to save you from staining your clothes. So, flap it on your lap and start eating. These are the basics of eating manners. Knowing the proper usage of utensils will help you make no sound while eating.

3. Maintain Decorum

Try to stay polite while eating. Take enough time to chew and gulp the food properly. Otherwise, it can get stuck in your throat and create big trouble. Being polite and concentrating on food is one of the dining table manners.

4. Never Criticize the Food

Kids often start complaining if they do not like something. Criticizing the food is one of them. How not to express a negative attitude about food should be included in the table etiquette for kids. Teach them with real-life and relatable examples. Once they understand how bad it feels to be criticized, they will stop doing it.

5. Offer to Help 

Teach them to offer help if they can. Besides maintaining plate manners, they should assist people who cannot reach out to the serving bowls. Teach them to read the hint and offer assistance.

6. Ask to Be Excused

It is very natural to make mistakes. Often children feel distressed about little errors. Teach them that table etiquette allows them to ask to be excused.


Being a parent of an infant is never an easy task. You must know all the table manners for kids and successfully teach them. Teaching something new to your kid is challenging indeed. But, once you incorporate it into their daily routine, you easily grasp it. So, start from small and try to teach every tiny bit gradually.


What are table manners?

Table manners are the accepted behaviors and etiquette followed while eating at the dining table, promoting respect and politeness during meals.

Why is it important to teach kids table manners?

Teaching kids table manners helps them develop social skills, promotes respect for others, and enhances their confidence in dining situations.

At what age should I start teaching table manners to my child? 

You can start teaching table manners as early as preschool age, introducing simple concepts like saying "please" and "thank you" during meals.

How can I make learning table manners fun for kids?

Incorporate games, role-playing, or themed dinners to make learning table manners enjoyable, allowing kids to practice in a relaxed environment.

What are some common table manners every child should learn?

Some essential table manners include chewing with your mouth closed, using utensils properly, not speaking with your mouth full, and waiting for everyone to be served before eating.

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