orchidadmin |
Parents Corner |
2024-08-09 |
null mins read
Parenting is no easy task. As parents, we try our best to protect them from any external harm or injury. But what if the damage is to their self-esteem? What path do we take then? Here is a parentingguide for you.
Very few predicaments cause children to lose confidence in themselves like stuttering does. Kids, who question everything due to their untamed curiosity, completely stop talking in most cases when this speech impediment sprouts. The main reason for this unusual behavior is not the lack of curiosity but due to losing confidence in themselves. As honest as kids are, they can often be cruel and inconsiderate towards someone with a speech issue.
In time, the disfluent kid may also develop social anxiety, anger issues and become aggressive. Even if the stuttering in children and toddlers goes away later, other personality traits that were affected because of it may prolong and make life difficult for them.
So a parenting guide to tackle such a condition and help the affected kid cope with it? For that, we first need to understand what stuttering in children and toddlers actually means.
All toddlers go through a stage where they struggle to pronounce particular syllables or words. It usually happens when a child is between the age of two and five. When they first learn to speak and communicate, it is entirely normal for them to experience an interruption in the flow of speech. Eventually, as the child gains proficiency in using the language, they stop stuttering.
But for some children, the stutter doesn’t go away even after the age of five. Though numerous treatments are available to alleviate this hindrance, doctors aren’t exactly sure what causes it. Some researchers believe it is a miscommunication between the brain and the vocal muscles that create sounds, while others maintain it is genetic. Since most of the time, when a kid stutters, they likely have a close relative who also does the same.
As previously mentioned, stuttering in children and toddlers can prolong way into the age of five. While this reason can satisfy the optimist parents among us, it is not enough for everyone. And with a good reason. Because the child who is going to stutter after five years will also stutter before five.
In conclusion, even with a parenting guide, the most crucial thing a child who stutters requires is you to be strong for them. It isn’t an ailment or a health hazard. Your child can grow up healthily and be successful even if he has a stutter.
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