14 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Social Skills: Strategies for the Classroom and Beyond

orchidadmin |

Social Skills |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

Improve Your Child’s Social Skills

Table of Contents


Do you want your child to be able to play with others, talk in front of people, and make friends? If so, then this blog post is for you. We are going to discuss 14 different strategies that will help improve your child’s social skills. These strategies include tips on how to teach them in the classroom and at home, as well as exercises they can do by themselves. So come let’s get started!


child’s social skills


Ways to Improve Social Skills in Toddlers


Child's Social Skills


1. Developing  a Sense of Emotions Will Help Them Improve Social Skills

Emotions are not always pleasant, and that is okay! Teaching kids about the “five feelings” can be helpful for teaching empathy and understanding other people. You may want your child to read books with these themes or watch movies together where characters have strong emotions.


2. Teach Them How to Ask for Help

To improve social skills in toddlers, teach them how to ask for help when they need it in social situations so that they don’t feel embarrassed asking adults or peers for help when stuck on something hard, like what game to play at recess  or what book character someone wants them as friends on the playground. This could mean learning how to play along, or even study along.


3. Provide Opportunities for Social Interaction 

But how? That’s by connecting with parents who have similar interests as yours. Engaging with adults will give kids more exposure to different perspectives from someone outside their family unit, who provides valuable role-modeling experience for a child’s development, or who is sensitive enough  to a child’s needs.


4. Help Your Child Build a Social Circle

Social Circle

By arranging playdates and inviting other children to your house for a party, you can help your child build a social circle. This way, the child can spend more time with others in their age groups without feeling overwhelmed, which builds confidence needed for future friendships down the line.


5. Allow Them to Participate in Extracurricular Activities

To improve their social skills, let them participate in extracurricular activities such as sports or musical theater where they will make friends who share similar interests that are outside of school hours so that there is room for both work and play when it comes to your child’s development.


6. Show Them Empathy to Improve Their Social Skills

You know what it feels like to be different or misunderstood sometimes, right? Kids do too! Notice whenever they may need help understanding something or doing something. Have patience and listen to them.


7. Talking with Them Is Important

Talk with your child about the behaviors of others. Ask them what they think when someone is being mean or angry towards someone else and have a conversation about it. This will help kids recognize whether an action on their part was helpful, hurtful, or not even necessary at all.


8. Teach Empathy for Other People’s Feelings 

“Pretend you’re another kid” can go a long way towards understanding why certain actions are upsetting to someone who doesn’t know much better yet!


9. Give Them Enough Time to Socialize

To improve their social skills, give each child time before socializing starts to unwind, because being put in a new environment can be overwhelming for some kids.


10. Be Mindful of Everything to Improve on Social Skill Development

Be mindful of the child’s coping skills and sensitivities when introducing them to other children. This will help them to improve their social skills. Some may need more time with you than others before jumping into socializing, while others might not have any sensitivity at all!


11. Do Not Hesitate to Talk About Few Topics

Dear Parents, it’s okay if you feel uncomfortable talking about certain topics like sex because there are plenty of resources out there you can point to instead—kids will learn eventually, so don’t worry about scaring them off forever. And most importantly: your children need to learn what can be dangerous to them. Be it a girl or a boy, make them aware of the social happenings  they need to be aware of.


12. Make Use of Child’s Interest

If your child has a specific hobby, to improve his social skills, you have to use this as a weapon to discuss social skills and what is important to them, i.e., if your child plays badminton, asking questions like, “How can your team work together?” You can also use their interest as a way of helping your child to facilitate playdates.


13. Write a Letter Asking for Help from Your Kids

Instead of quickly giving your kids what they need, ask them to write a letter and ask for help. Often writing out feelings allows us to step back from the circumstances causing us distress and focus on addressing what we are feeling and what we need.


14. Go for Scavenger Hunt with Your Kids

Scavenger Hunt

Wondering what scavenger hunt is? This is done virtually with them and their friends at home or just with your child at home. Instead of telling them to find items scattered here and there, come up with a riddle that your kid would love to solve with his friend. 

If your child is outgoing enough already then great! But if he is not, don’t worry there are plenty of ways for you as a parent or teacher to build up their confidence and get them ready for the new school year ahead. The first step might be briefly introducing yourself until they feel comfortable speaking for themselves and interacting on their own terms. Don’t forget being patient with this process will take some time even if they like playing around with others now.




In this blog post we have offered some strategies for improving your child’s social skills, from the classroom to the playground. We hope these ideas will be helpful in getting you and your child on a path toward healthy relationships. If there are any other tips or tricks that have worked well for you, please share them with us and also don’t forget to mention what has helped YOU as a parent?


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