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Introduction to Coulomb's Law

Harshitha |

Scientist and Their Inventions |

2024-10-01 |

null mins read


Table of Contents

Let's start learning what Coulomb's Law is. Suppose you have two small balls; if both are charged-either positively or negatively, then they either pull towards each other or push away from each other. This dragging or pushing is due to the force. Coulomb's Law is a rule that helps us figure out how strong this force is.

Coulomb's Law basically states that the force between two electric objects is based upon two things. 

1. The amount of charge the two objects have.

2. Distance between them.

The more amount of charge the objects have, the larger the force. The greater the distance between the two objects, the weaker the force you will see. 

Understanding Charges

To understand Coulomb's Law, we need to first know about electric charges. 

What is an Electric Charge?

Electric charge can be explained as a property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. It's like an invisible tiny magnet inside the things.

Types of Charges: Positive and Negative

There are two types of electric charges: positive and negative. Objects having the same type of charge repel each other (push away), while objects with different charges attract each other (pull together).

How Charges Interact

Just assume that you have two balloons. If you rub both with a cloth, they get charged. If both balloons carry the same type of charge, then they will repel from each other. But if one has a positive charge and the other a negative charge, then they will attract each other.

Explanation of Coulomb's Law

So far, we've become familiar with what charges are. Step ahead for Coulomb's Law Explanation.

What Does Coulomb's Law State?

Coulomb's Law gives us the opportunity to calculate the force between two charges. Now, this is the principle of this rule: the force will be strong if the charges are strong or close to each other, and vice versa, the force will be weak if the charges are weak or far from each other.

The relationship between charge and force

This relationship between the charges and the force can be written as a formula, called Coulomb's law formula:

[] F = k × q _{1} × q _{2} / r ^{2}


F is the force between the charges.

k is a special constant which helps us get the correct units—this is something like a scaling factor.

q _{1} and q _{2} are the amounts of the two charges.

r is the distance between the two charges.

This may look a little complicated, but all this formula is stating is that the force is proportional to the product of the two different charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance in between. 

Real-Life Examples of Coulomb's Law

Now, imagine that you have two magnets. Bring them near each other, and they are attracted to each other. Now, try to push them towards each other when they have the same charge. They push aside. It's like with the charges: if you take two pieces of tape and charge them by attaching to something, and then peel them off, they might repel each other if they have the same charge.

1 Coulomb: What Is It, Exactly?

 Let's see what we are referring to when we say 1 Coulomb.

Definition of 1 Coulomb

1 Coulomb has an explanation therein: this is to say the amount of electric charge. If you were to have 1 Coulomb of charge, — that's enormous! It's like you have a bucket full of electric charge.

1 Coulomb is equal to what?

1 coulomb is the charge of roughly 6.24 x 1018 electrons. That is a really huge number! You don't have to remember the exact amount; you only have to know it is a really, really huge amount of charge.

Everyday Comparisons to Understand 1 Coulomb

To put it into perspective, consider any minor spark of static electricity that cuts across any metal material on contact. That spark is only a fraction of a Coulomb of charge, yet it gives a little jolt.

Coulomb's Law in Vector Form

We have been bouncing between scalars and vectors. Now let's roll up our sleeves to Coulomb's Law in vector form carrying the day.

What is a Vector?

A vector is something like an arrow, it has direction, and a sense of how big it is. In the case of Coulomb's Law, the vector shows the direction of the force, and the size of the force.

Coulomb's Law in Vector Form

So, when we actually make use of Coulomb's Law, since this is in vector form, we would take direction into account. If two charges repel each other, the force vector points away from the other charge. If they attract, the vector points toward the other charge.

Examples to Make It Easy

Then imagine the action of pushing on a toy car. It travels in the direction you push it. The force you apply has a direction and magnitude. In the same way, the vector form of Coulomb's Law expresses a direction (the way it pushes or pulls) and a magnitude (how hard it pushes or pulls).

Applications of Coulomb's Law

Now, let's look at how Coulomb's Law is applied in real life.

Everyday Examples of Coulomb's Law So, one really simple example is that you rub a balloon on your hair. The balloon becomes charged and sticks to a wall because of the force described by Coulomb's Law. 

How scientists use Coulomb's Law

Scientists use Coulomb's Law to understand the forces between particles in atoms. That helps them to understand how atoms are bonding together to form molecules, the base of all chemistry.

Technology and Coulomb's Law

There are innumerable technologies that depend upon the principles of 'Coulomb's Law'. In these technologies, the basis lies in the forces between charges. For example, computer chips and other electronics give us circuits which provide the aforementioned benefit in the form of being able to use computers, phones, and other gadgets.

Although Coulomb's Law is a simple equation, there are some tricky bits that often confuse people.

Common Misconceptions

One common mistake is to say that the force between charges does not vary with distance. But remember, as the distance goes up, the force goes down. 

Some Hints on Remembering the Concepts

A good way to remember Coulomb's Law is by relating it to magnets; imagine that, with magnets, if you bring them closer, they stick together strongly. Pull them further apart, and the force weakens. This is similar to charged objects.


So, Coulomb's Law is one of the basic rules in science that explains the forces between different charged objects. This is required to understand everything from the principle of how simple things in everyday life work, such as static electricity, to the most complicated technologies, for example, computers. Keep in mind that the force between the charges depends on the amount of charge and also the distance between them. As you learn more about science, Coulomb's Law is actually a building block for many other concepts.


What is Coulomb's Law?

Coulomb's Law explains how the force between two electric charges is obtained. In Coulomb's Law, the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them. So, as much as the charges are big and close, the more powerful the force will be.

How does Coulomb's Law find its application in physics?

Through it, one could learn about and then calculate the electrostatic force between two charged objects. The law makes scientists and engineers understand how charges interact with each other, which is crucial when explaining electrical circuits, interpreting the structure of atoms, and researching electrostatic phenomena.

What is the formula of Coulomb's Law?

The formula for Coulomb's Law is given as $$F = k \frac{|q_1 q_2|}{r^2}, $$ where $$F$$ is the force between the two charges, $$k$$ is Coulomb's constant, $$q_1$$ and $$q_2$$ are the magnitudes of the two charges, while $$r$$ is the distance separating them. This equation therefore inherently represents how the force can change with the magnitude of the charge and the distance apart.

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