orchidadmin |
Social Skills |
2023-09-05 |
null mins read
School can be a difficult time for children. They are learning how to interact with their peers in school and they’re also trying to fit into new social groups. One of the hardest parts about school is dealing with bullies, who typically target the most vulnerable kids in school. This blog post will:
A bully is someone who makes fun of others. Bullying can be physical or just mean comments and actions that make another person feel uncomfortable or inferior. Your child may be a bully if they:
You always need to be aware of the school bully. Ask your child about school and if they have many stories to tell you about any bullying behavior that has been happening with them or their friends at school, take action.
As parents, you should be able to read your child’s behavior or his/her changing behavior for that matter.
The school bully has an agenda for what they want to do and that is to hurt someone else. They either just need attention or they are taking it out on other people because of their own problems in life. The school bully likes being in a position where others look up to them, but this is not an appropriate way to gather attention. They are using this tactic to cause others pain either physically or emotionally.
The school bully is affecting everyone that they come in contact with, whether it’s their friends, family members, or even teachers on a daily basis. How does it affect them? They might have nightmares from not being able to sleep. It would also affect their studies and academics, as well as their overall social development.
Every school has one. The school bully, the kid who picks on other kids and especially likes to pick on your child. As a parent, it can be frustrating when you try to help but nothing seems to work or is effective for long periods of time. Bullying is aggressive behavior in which someone repeatedly and intentionally inflicts discomfort or harms others. Some of the ways to deal with bullies are:
If it is getting worse, talk to the bully’s parents personally. Bullying is often a reflection of what may be going on in their personal lives as well so this approach may help.
The bully may be the child’s version of the monster under the bed. They’re just trying to scare you, and will run away if you stand up for yourself. We can help your children face their fears head-on by providing a safe place where they can learn how to defend themselves against bullies. This is why it’s important that we teach our kids how to get rid of their fear of being bullied at an early age so that they don’t grow into adults who are afraid of going out into public spaces or doing anything outside what feels “safe.” Let us show them now before it’s too late. Our goal is not only for them to do well.
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