100+ Rhyming Words for Kids [With Practice Worksheets]

Prakriti Dhodare |

Child Learning |

2024-12-07 |

null mins read

rhyming for words

Table of Contents

This blog on rhyming words for kids is written to make learning rhymes fun, helping children improve their vocabulary. Rhyming words are those words that sound similar, but are meaningful. There are numerous words that rhyme. 

In this blog, we will cover over 100 rhyming words along with poems to help kids learn rhymes easily. So, let's not wait further and start with our first poem.

"Rhyming words are fun to say,
They make us smile and play all day!"

Se-h is Say and De-h is Day.

Do you realize that these two words end with -eh sound? These are examples of rhyming words.

Below is a list of 60 rhyming words.

Run Sun Bun
Dog Log Fog
Hat Cat Mat
Pen Hen Hen
Big Pig Wig
Cup Pup Up
Tree Bee See
Fan Man Ran
Tap Map Nap
Red Bed Fed
Box Fox Ox
Jet Net Wet
Star Car Far
Fish Dish Wish
Bat Rat Sat
Duck Truck Luck
Bell Shell Well
Mug Rug Tug
Book Hook Shook
Chair Hair Fair
King Ring Wing
Lamp Camp Ramp
Moon Spoon Boon
Ball Tall Fall
Bird Word Curd
Cake Lake Make
Door Floor Shore
Egg Leg Peg
Feet Meet Greet
Goat Coat Boat
House Mouse Browse
Ice Rice Mice
Jam Ham Sam
Key Sea Me
Light Kite White
Nose Rose Shows
Owl Towel Howl
Pants Ants Rants
Queen Green Seen
Ring Sing Wing
Snow Blow Show
Tree Free Bee
Van Can Man
Water Daughter Hotter
X-ray Play Say
Eight Skate Mate
Hill Will Kill
Cook Look Hook
Six Sticks Mix
Train Rain Mane
May Say Day
Tick Pick Sick
Lap Tap Map
Airy Dairy Fairy
Tree Free Three
Jelly Shelly Belly
Glad Lad Add
Wage Sage Cage
Doubt Scout Sprout
Chop Top Mop


Rhyming words are fun and educational at the same time.

Single syllable 3-letter rhyming words in english

Let's look into the list of single syllable rhymes with 3 letters

Bug Jug Mug Hug
Hip Lip Dip Sip
Car Far Bar Jar
Can Fan Man Pan
Dad Bad Mad Had
Top Cop Mop Pop
Cub Hub Rub Tub
Nut But Hut Cut
Got Hot Not Cot
Big Pig Dig Wig

For teachers, rhymes are a great way to teach words to kids and build their vocabulary. These help children learn about prefixes, suffixes, word sounds, and word families. It helps to boost phonics as well. Children enjoy reading and speaking rhyme words.

"The cat sat on a sunny mat,
The hat fell down with a gentle pat"

cat, sat, mat, hat and pat are rhyming words. Isn't this rhyming fun?
Click to see how these are used in poems!


Single syllable 4-letter rhyming words in english

Let's look into the list of single syllable rhymes with 4 letters

Play Clay Slay Flay
Crew Grew Brew Drew
Blot Plot Clot Slot
Bore Core More Sore
Bake Cake Fake Lake
Main Pain Rain Gain
Male Tale Dale Bale
May Pay Ray Day
Back Lack Pack Rack
Mail Rail Sail Fail
Bare Rare Dare Care
Ball Tall Fall Call
Cook Book Took Look
Best Test Nest Pest
Cool Tool Fool Pool
Bell Sell Hell Fell
Jump Pump Dump Lump
Last Past Cast Vast
Cave Gave Save Wave

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Rhyming Words with different spellings

"The Sun looks bright,
The sky is full of light"

Bright and Light are also rhyming words but with different spellings.

High Why Sky
Whole Goal Mole
Laugh Graph Behalf
Weight Date Straight
Taller Dollar Scholar
Float Wrote Throat
Height Bite Might
Rent Spent Prevent

Isn't these interesting? Let's look into more of rhyming. Below are examples of over 20 rhyming words.

Using at, ap, en, et, and in

  • Rhyme with “at”:

  1. Bat
  2. Mat
  3. Sat
  4. Rat
  5. Cat
  6. Fat
  7. Hat
  8. Pat
  • Rhyme with “ap”:

  1. Gap
  2. Cap
  3. Map
  4. Lap
  5. Tap
  6. Nap
  7. Sap
  • Rhyme with “en”:

  1. Ten
  2. Men
  3. Pen
  4. Hen
  5. Den
  6. Yen
  7. Ken
  • Rhyme with “et”:

  1. Set
  2. Wet
  3. Net
  4. Bet
  5. Vet
  6. Get
  7. Met
  8. Pet
  • Rhyme with “in”:

  1. Bin
  2. Pin
  3. Sin
  4. Tin
  5. Win
  6. Fin
  7. Gin


What are the benefits of learning rhymes?

  • You can learn new words.
  • These teach you about word families.
  • Rhyming makes reading fun and memorable.
  • It helps you understand how language works by focusing on word sounds.


Rhyming Words for Kids Worksheets

Want more about rhyming? Download the free worksheets for practice. These worksheets are great for students in preschool and early elementary grades.

Both parents and teachers can use these to help develop English language skills of students and kids.



Orchids' Learning Material

Click the buttons to download the e-books on rhymes



Things you have learnt!

  • Rhymes are easier to remember than non-rhyming ones.
  • They make language really fun, helping children learn easily.
  • They improve vocabulary and communication skills in English.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are Rhyming words?

Answer: Those words which rhyme similarly, which can be two or more than two words but with a proper meaning, are called rhyming words. 

2. What are some examples of these?

Answer: There are lots of examples of rhyming words in the English language. Here are some rhyming word examples:

  • Men, Pen, Hen, Den
  • Cake, Make, Lake
  • Net, Pet, Line, Set

3. How can rhyming help my kid in reading and speaking?

Answer: Rhyming words lay the foundation for success of reading. Phoenics or rhyming draws attention to words, which develops an ear for languages. It strengthens the ability to listen and to focus on sounds from a very early in life.

4. How do I teach my 5 year old rhyming words?

Answer: There are 3 phases to teach rhyming words - Listening, Visualising and Producing.
It starts with listening. You should read out loud the rhyming words in front of your kid so that he/she develops an awareness to rhyming sound. Then, with the help of books or the rhyming words list given in this page, show them the spellings of those words. Example - en vs an. A and E give different sounds. The last phase is producing. The kid should develop that ear and an understanding of words, so that he/she can search and produce similar words that rhyme.
These are the 3 steps or phases that will help teach rhyming words to a 5 year old kid.

5. What are some words that end with “an”?

Answer: List of words that end with “an” are: Pan, Man, Fan, Can, Van



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