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Tips for Managing Adequate Screen Time for Kids

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

reducing screen time

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When it comes to screen time for kids, there are a lot of questions and concerns for parents. How much is too much? What types of screens are okay? And what effects will screen time has on their development? In this blog post, we’ll explore the research on screen time and offer some tips on how to set limits for your family. Screen time can be a fun way for kids to learn and explore, but it’s important to make sure they’re getting enough physical activity and human interaction as well! So read on to find out more about finding the right balance for your family.

Tips for managing adequate screen time for kids!

1. Schedule media-free times and places

There is no screen time for kids at the dinner table, in the car, or an hour before bedtime. Designate media-free times such as family meals or outings, homework time, and playtime. This will also increase curiosity in your child. 

2. Create a space free

Make sure there is a designated area in your home that is free of electronics. This will be a place where kids can go to play, read, or use their imaginations.

3. Put away all screens during “no screen time”.

This means no phones, laptops, TVs, etc. This way, you can model healthy behaviour for your kids and avoid temptation yourself!

4. Stick to your guns

It may be tough initially, but eventually, your kids will get used to not having screen time all the time. Be consistent with your rules, and they’ll learn that it’s unnecessary to have screen time every day.

5. Find other activities to do

There are so many fun things to do that don’t involve screen time for kids! Why not try out a new sport, visit a museum, or go for a hike? The possibilities are endless!

6. Set a good example

If you want your kids to reduce their screen time, you need to set a good example for them. Show them that it’s possible to have fun without screens and they’ll be more likely to follow your lead.

7. Talk to your kids about the dangers of too much screen time for kids

Kids need to be aware of the risks of too much screen time. Ensure they know that it can lead to health problems, social isolation, and decreased academic performance.

8. Reward your kids for reducing their screen time

It’s important to reward your toddlers when they effort to reduce their screen time. This will encourage them to keep up the excellent work and help them see that it’s worth the effort.

9. Encourage your kids to get active

One of the best ways to combat too much screen time is to encourage your child to get active. Get them interested in physical activities they can do outdoors or in the gym. This will help them stay healthy and keep their minds active.

10. Take their gadgets if and when required.

If your kids are not following the rules you’ve set for them, don’t hesitate to take away their gadgets. This will help them realise that there are consequences for their actions and that they need to be more responsible. Just give them back their devices once they’ve learned their lesson.

Kids need to be aware of the dangers of too much screen time. Ensure they know that it can lead to health problems, social isolation, and decreased academic performance.

Benefits of reduced screen time for kids!

1. Improved academic performance

One study found that kids who reduced their screen time by one hour per day improved their academic performance by 14%.

Providing the kids with a curriculum that is interesting is another way of helping them reduce screen time and improve their academic performance. Orchids’ NCERT Solution is one such curriculum that can help provide a better study environment to every child. NCERT helps children develop a strong conceptual foundation, which is vital during their formative years in school.

2. Improved physical health

Studies have shown that kids who spend more time on screens are more likely to be overweight or obese. Excessive screen time can also lead to poor vision, neck pain, and headaches.

3. Improved social skills

It can lead to social isolation as kids spend more time alone in front of screens. This can impact their development and ability to interact with others.

4. Increased creativity

Kids who spend less time on screens tend to be more creative and have better problem-solving skills. This is because they have more time to explore their interests and develop new ideas.

5. Improved sleep

kids who spend more time on screens tend to have poorer sleep quality. The blue light from screens can disrupt the body’s natural sleep cycle. Screen time before bed can also make it harder for kids to fall asleep.

So, as you can see, there are many reasons to limit screen time. It’s not just about preventing them from becoming addicted to screens. There are many other benefits to be had by limiting screen time. So, talk to your kids about how much screen time is appropriate and try to stick to those limits as much as possible.

There are several ways to improve sleep quality, and limiting screen time is one of them. Other things that can help include:

– Establishing a regular bedtime routine.

– Avoid caffeine and other stimulants before bed.

– creating a calming environment in the bedroom.

– getting plenty of exercise during the day.


So, how much screen time is okay for kids? The answer to this question isn’t easy, but it’s important. Ultimately, you as a parent will need to decide what works best for your family, but some general guidelines can help you decide. Many resources are available to help you make the most informed decision possible. We hope this article has been helpful and provided some helpful information. If you have any questions or want more advice regarding parenting, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re always happy to help parents navigate these tricky waters and take on their parenting responsibilities. We hope these tips help you control your child’s screen time. Just remember to be patient and consistent with them, and they’ll eventually learn how to use technology responsibly.

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