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Parents Corner |
2024-08-09 |
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Even though one out of every 68 children is now diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the diagnosis is still widely misunderstood. We just do not live in a tolerant or supportive culture of individuals who are not “neurotypical”. Parents of children with autism, on the other hand, are support systems for their children and hence they should be excellent at conveying who their children are and why they are autistic and how it affects their lives.
One should always remember that – Autism is not the same for everyone, and neither is every child with autism.
If you’ve recently found that your child has autism spectrum disorder or may have it, you’re undoubtedly wondering and worried about what to do next. No parent expects to learn that their kid is anything other than happy and healthy, and an ASD diagnosis may be especially terrifying.
You might be unclear on how to best aid your children with autism or be perplexed by contradictory treatment recommendations. Alternatively, you may have been informed that ASD is an incurable, lifelong disorder, making you fearful that nothing you do would help.
While ASD is not something that a person just grows out of, there are several therapies that can assist children with autism in learning new abilities and overcoming a range of developmental obstacles. Assistance is available to meet your child’s unique needs and help them learn, grow, and succeed in life.
It’s equally important to take care of oneself when caring for a child with autism. You may be the best parent for your child in need if you are emotionally strong. These six parenting hints might make life simpler for parents of autistic children.
By the age of three, many children with spectrum disorders have been identified and are receiving early intervention treatments. Therapy for speech or language, behavior, or sensory issues may be included in their educational program. Children with autism can get additional help at school from a classroom aide or during a lunch break or social skills group.
Finding people that can connect to your path, whether online or in person, is critical for your sanity and progress. It helps to have a few pals on fast dial who “just understand it” when your children become older. Look for local parent support groups or join a Facebook community for parenting children with autism.
Routines appeal to those on the spectrum. Assure that they receive continuous supervision and engagement so that they may put what they’ve learned in treatment into practice.
This can help children with autism acquire new abilities and behaviors more easily and apply what they’ve learned in other settings. Talk to their instructors and therapists about developing a consistent set of interdisciplinary approaches and procedures that can also be followed at home.
You’ve probably heard of baby proofing a home. While normal families may remove the safety gates and door knob locks as their children get older, families with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder continue to have these and other things to safeguard their children with autism from the hazards that exist in their homes. This is because many children on the Autism Spectrum are prone to self-injurious behaviors.
Your child may feel left out, behind, or bullied at times. Children with autism might have difficulty relating to others, which can make them angry or depressed.
If your kid is showing indications of depression, such as melancholy, moodiness, or withdrawing from others, get professional treatment. Some signs that your child is being bullied can be a reluctance to attend school, difficulty sleeping due to a reduction in appetite, or sobbing for no apparent reason.
Speak with school authorities as soon as possible if your kid is being mocked or bullied. Discuss the situation with your kid at home, and role-play ways to deal with bullies, and report concerns to teachers, guidance counselors, or other trustworthy people.
As children with autism reach puberty, they will experience new emotions that are a natural part of growing up. Discuss what to expect as your child grows older and how to deal with it with your doctor. Relieve your child’s fears by reassuring them that the changes that come with puberty are natural.
When it comes to private activities like getting dressed or touching private areas, teach your child the distinction between public and private settings. For example, girls will need to learn how to manage their menstruation, while boys may require reassurance that wet dreams are normal.
As a part of parenting, explain to your child the difference between good touch and bad touch, and that if someone exceeds the boundary, they should immediately notify you.
Parenting children with autism is a marathon, not a sprint. We must sometimes take life hour by hour, and sometimes moment by moment. It’s easy to get caught up in worries and fears about the future, but bringing our focus back to the now is more beneficial. Remembering that no parent knows for certain what their children’s future holds, remaining grounded and positive is a healthy practice for all of us.