7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Failure

Mautushi Paul |

Parents Corner |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

7 Tips to Overcome the Fear of Failure

Table of Contents



Everyone is afraid of failure at some point in their lives. It’s normal to fear the unknown, fear what people think of you, fear of failure that you won’t be able to do something correctly, or fear that you may fail completely. But when your fear becomes an obsession and it stops you from doing anything productive, then it’s time to take action!

This blog post will cover seven steps for overcoming the fear of failure so that you can start living a more successful life.

Why Do You Have Fear of Failure?

Fear of taking risks, fear for the future if certain choices are made, fear of succeeding because success means you’ll be judged by others, or fear of failing so someone else may see your errors as inferiority. At every point in life, we fear something or the other.


Fear of failure is fear that can keep us from moving forward in life. Fear manifests itself differently and it’s not always easy to deal with, but the best way to get over the fear of rejection or fear of failure is by embracing it. You never know what you are capable of until you try. The worst thing that could happen is if you don’t try to overcome it, or you give up. 

The fear of failure is sometimes the fear that will prevent you from achieving what it is you want. If this fear has been holding you back, read on for a few ways to overcome your fear so that nothing stands in the way of achieving your personal goals.

7 Ways to Get Over the Fear of Failure

1. Figure out Where the Fear Comes From 

Fear can be crippling. It’s a paralyzing fear of failure or fear that you’re not good enough to do something important, but it doesn’t have to stay in the way of your success and happiness forever. Figure out where your fear comes from by talking with a therapist about what has been troubling you so far. 

2. Reframe Beliefs About Your Goal 

Choose a fear that is important to you. Think about what are the negative beliefs or thoughts about your goal. And about how you can reframe these thoughts into more positive ones.

Practice this technique daily. It will gradually help change those old negative beliefs over time and make them more manageable. This is not an overnight job. It will take a couple of months, but ultimately your time is worth it.

3. Visualize all Potential Outcomes 

If fear of failure is preventing you from pursuing a new opportunity, visualize all possible outcomes. They give anxiety and stress to the child which is hard for him to overcome.

Think about how each scenario might go and make a plan for what to do if the outcome doesn’t pan out as planned. You can also work on developing a habit where you see fear as an asset instead of something that holds you back. 

4. Learn to Think Positive 

It happens many times that things appear to you as you think about them. 

In fear, you only imagine the worst things to come. You start to picture yourself failing in your endeavor and then as if by magic every single thing that could go wrong starts popping up in your head. 

What one needs to learn is how not to think about fear when they are trying their best at something new or doing work they have never done. 

5. Visualize all Potential Outcomes 

You should fear. Failure is a part of life. It’s going to happen, and it might as well be something that you are okay with if you have any hope for success in your mission-driven work.

You may not get the promotion or have the proposal accepted today, but what about tomorrow? Or next week? It happens to all but ultimately, your hard work pays back for sure.

6. Have a Backup plan 

Precaution is always better than cure. And it’s always good to be on the safe side. So, fear not and have a backup plan in case things don’t work out. If you are

If you are planning to apply for anything, then do so with everything at stake (and this means your life too). Always have a plan B, whether it’s your life or your studies. 

7. Learn From Whatever Happens 

Try to learn from every success and failure that comes your way. Every experience of your life teaches you something. And failures are the stepping stones it enables you to perform even better in the next similar. 


Being a parent you can  help your child model the behavior you want from them. If you are fearful about failing, ask yourself why and what is at stake?

Then consider how to overcome the fear in a healthy way so that your kids can learn that from you. Talk with your children about their fear of failure too! Ask them what they fear will happen if they don’t do well on an exam or fail a test. Discuss potential consequences and develop concrete plans together for overcoming failures that may arise as time goes on.

The point is that you don’t need to fear failure. We all experience it at some point and we can learn from our failures, as long as they’re not too costly or damaging for us in terms of time, money, effort, etc., so there’s no reason to shy away from them. 

Finally, remember that all parents have been there before, so be gentle with yourselves, talk it out, educate where needed – but most importantly, keep being positive!
