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Folk Songs of Jammu and Kashmir

Pinkey Sharma |

Music |

2024-09-17 |

null mins read

Jammu & Kashmir Folk Songs

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Jammu and Kashmir, an exquisite part of the northern side of India, is famous for its landscapes, snow-capped mountains, and its rich cultural heritage. One such element of enormous interest in its cultural heritage has been the folk music of the region. The folk songs of Jammu and Kashmir are more famously called the "Folk music of Jammu and Kashmir." These folks are an age-old tradition and part of daily life in Jammu and Kashmir. They are passed down through generations through songs sung on many occasions, providing a platform that brings people together to sing stories of their land.

Kids' Corner: Fun with Folk Songs of Jammu and Kashmir

Hey kids! Did you know that Jammu and Kashmir have amazing traditional songs called folk songs? These songs tell cool stories about heroes, love, and everyday life. Some songs, like Rouf, are sung during dances, while others, like Chakri, tell exciting tales with music. Sadly, many of these songs are being forgotten because of new technology and busy lives. But you can help! Learn a song from your grandparents, sing it with friends, and share it online. By doing this, you’re keeping the beautiful music of Jammu and Kashmir alive.

What is Folk Music?

Folk music developed among the common people of a region and has passed almost exclusively by oral tradition from one generation to another. Folk songs of Jammu and Kashmir reflect the culture, traditions, and lives of the people who sing them. In Jammu and Kashmir, folk music forms an integral part of festivals, marriages, and other social functions.

Types of Folk Songs of Jammu and Kashmir

The folk music of Jammu and Kashmir is diversely classified in numerous types of songs based on the category, style, and forms with which they are individualized. Here are the popular types of folk songs from this region:

Rouf: Rouf is a dance-accompanied folk song performed by ladies on the event of Eid and other festivals. The ladies station themselves in two rows and start singing a song, swaying in graceful and delicate dancing movements. The songs are often based on the themes of nature, love, and social events.

Chakri: Chakri is a famous folk music form in the valley of Kashmir. It is a folk storytelling type of song in a narrative form. The forms are sung about different themes in the folklore of local heroes, love songs, and episodes of history. The accompanying instruments involved in Chakri include the rabab and the harmonium.

Bach Nagma: Bach Nagma is a dance drama performed by males. Generally performed in the harvest season, the songs in Bach Nagma are vivacious, coupled with lively movements. For this, the devotees are to wear a very colorful dress along with masks, for the occasion.

Ladishah: Ladishah is a satire-related folk song form, in which the singer comments on social issues, politics, and daily life. The humorous songs most often use witty language.

Henzae: Henzae is an ancient form of folk singing by the Kashmiri Pandit community. Their songs usually have some spiritual attribution to them and are sung during religious rituals and ceremonies.

The folk music of Jammu and Kashmir is brought into being by many traditional instruments. Some of the more common ones are:

Rabab: A string instrument resembling a lute. This instrument has a rich, velvety sound and is predominantly used in the performance of a Chakri.

Sarangi: A string instrument, the sarangi is capable of producing soulful and emotive tones.

Other instruments used include:

Nout: A small earthen pot that produces rhythmic sounds when struck with the hands. It is commonly used in Rouf and other dance songs.

Harmonium: A keyboard instrument that produces harmonious tunes and is widely used in various forms of folk music.

Dhol: A double-headed drum that produces deep, resonant beats, most appropriate for use in dance performances like Bach Nagma.

Importance of Folk Songs of Jammu and Kashmir

It is not just those folk songs of Jammu and Kashmir but, in fact, a way of life in the region. Following are some reasons that reflect the importance of such songs:

Preservation of Tradition: Folk songs assist in preserving the traditions and customs of the region. They keep the stories of the past alive and ensure to pass the cultural heritage over to the coming generations.

Community Involvement: Folk song singing during festivals, wedding ceremonies, or any form of get-together arouses community consciousness and a sense of belonging among the people.

Emotional Outlets: Folk songs can serve as emotional outlets for people to express sentiments of happiness, grief, love, or humor. Most of these songs bear the inner feelings and practical experiences of whosoever is singing them.

Learning for the Young: Through the songs, children are socialized into their own culture, history, and morals. Stories and lessons within the songs mold their understanding of the world around them.

Changing Times and Challenges

Jammu and Kashmir, by being a heritage-rich place marked with beautiful landscapes, have over the years witnessed several changes. One of the saddest changes is the dying-out of traditional folk songs. That is otherwise very important in the cultural heritage of any region. They too are now being subjected to a loss in this modern mode of influence and lifestyle change all over. That is probably what the people commonly refer to as the "dying culture of Kashmir."

Why is Culture Dying? 

Few factors enhance the debilitation to the folk music of Jammu and Kashmir. Some of the main reasons include:

Modern Technology: With smartphones, the internet, and television available now, people have a broad spectrum of enjoyable choices. In consequence, scenarios like the high popularity of folk songs begin to fall drastically since people, especially the young ones, prefer new music and videos.

Urbanization: As people increasingly move to cities for work and education, traditional village modes of life are being altered. Time and space for village community gatherings in the cities have been drastically reduced, and these are the circumstances under which opportunities to sing the large body of folk songs present themselves.

Tiring: Most young people today do not easily get energized by learning and performing traditional folk songs. Modern music is more enticing, and they may not even have the drive to learn or try to understand the meaning behind the cultural heritage.

Economic pressure: Most of the time, families are more focused on gaining a living. In such instances, cultural events take back priority, and thus may also not have the time to teach or learn folk songs.

Influences of the Modern Times

Despite these, efforts have been made to continue and support the folk music of Jammu and Kashmir. Where modern technology has been helpful in the extirpation of songs, it can also be used to save such songs. Some of the ways this is happening are:

1. Recording and Archiving: Many folk songs in the present day are recorded for posterity's sake and thus archived digitally. The need to record one's songs in reverse for posterity has prompted many artists to store their songs digitally.

2. Social Media and the Internet: Upload the video to sing a traditional folk song through the medium of YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. There is, of course, a world of difference today in the reach and interest shown, thanks to generations old and young.

3. Fusions with Contemporary Music: Some musicians have fused traditional folk with contemporary music. The fusion has given birth to music that is appealing to the young and the old.

4. Cultural Programs and Festivals: Folk music of Jammu and Kashmir is being presented at cultural programs and festivals. Some schools and community centers are also organizing workshops, training children in the folk songs of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Role of Education

Education can play a pivotal role in the conservation of the traditional folk song of Jammu and Kashmir. Teaching the school's cultural inheritance to the students would inculcate an overt sense of pride among children and generate interest in the various traditional folk songs in them. Here is how the school and teachers can pitch in:

1. Including Folk Music in the Curriculum: Schools could include folk music of Jammu and Kashmir in their curriculum, allowing students to learn and enjoy traditional songs from an early age.

2. Competitions and Cultural Programs: Holding competitions and cultural programs related to folk songs would inspire an interest in children towards more performances and into learning their culture.

3. Inviting Folk Artists: Schools can invite folk artists to conduct workshops and performances. This instigates a desire for learning in the minds of students and helps them understand the importance of the art of folk music.

What Can We Do?

The following steps can be taken by everyone in the society to keep the folk music of Jammu and Kashmir alive.

1. Learn and Sing: Learn a few folk songs of Jammu and Kashmir and sing them with your family and friends. This keeps the tradition alive and part of your life.

2. Encouraging Local Folk Artists: Enjoy performances on the music of folk artists and source their albums from shops. This will provide the encouragement and financial support necessary to maintain their work.

3. Share on Social Media: Share videos and stories about folk music on different social media platforms with all your friends and followers. Such actions can make them aware and interested.

4. Teach Others: Share a few Folk songs with siblings, cousins, and friends. This will bring about an awareness to the young generation on the knowledge of folk music, and the tradition also remains in place.


The Folk song of Jammu and Kashmir is a beautiful form and an integral part of the cultural entity of the state. They talk of love, bravery, humor, and simple day-to-day life that linked yesterday with today. Songs are the only heritage of the people of Jammu and Kashmir; they are said with pride because they ensure that the possessions of the people regarding rich traditions and history will not be lost and go invisible with time. Whether it's the graceful dance of Rouf, the storytelling of Chakri, or the humor of Ladishah, the folk music of Jammu and Kashmir offers a fascinating glimpse into the heart and soul of this enchanting region.

Folk music is perhaps the most treasured of all the cultural assets that exist in Jammu and Kashmir today. Ways to keep these songs alive are many, even though modern influences and changed lifestyles do pose a kind of challenge on behalf of folk songs. Supporting contemporary technology toward supporting local artists and educating youngsters is the way to uphold much-needed rich cultural legacies in Jammu and Kashmir. Be it the joyous dance of Rouf, the storytelling of Chakri, or the humor of Ladishah, these folk songs continue to be an important link to the past and a source of pride for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.


1. What is the music form of Jammu and Kashmir?

Chakri is one of the most popular types of traditional music played in Jammu & Kashmir. Chakri is a responsive song form with instrumental parts, and it is played with instruments like the harmonium, the rubab, the sarangi, the nout, the geger, the tumbaknaer and the chimta.

2. What is the famous musical instrument of Jammu and Kashmir?

The prominent musical instruments played in Kashmir are Surnai, Santoor, Sitar, Tumbaknari, Noot, Rabab, etc. 

3. What is the heritage of music in Jammu and Kashmir?

Over the years it has established itself as the classical music form of Kashmir and has incorporated several Indian Ragas in its body. Hafiz Nagma in fact, used to be part of Sofiana music. The instruments used in this form are Santoor, Sitar, Kashmiri Saz, Wasool, or Tabla.

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