Mautushi Paul |
Child Learning |
2024-08-08 |
null mins read
When young children think of math, they usually imagine worksheets and blackboards. But math doesn’t have to be boring! These active math games get kids up and moving, using their bodies and brain to learn facts and skills. Lots of these ideas can be adapted to suit various math concepts, so choose a few to try out with your math kid soon. If you’re looking for ways to engage your children in math activities, then this blog post is just for you. We’ve compiled a list of the Top 10 ways that are sure to keep your children interested in learning math.
Math is an abstract subject at school, but there’s no reason it has to be during playtime! Concepts such as fractions or decimals don’t have any meaning until we start counting objects – so let your child count anything they want when playing games; blocks of cheese in their sandwich for example will make them think about halves versus thirds while also enjoying lunch.
There are numerous math activities out there that can help your children learn mathematics in an entertaining way. Following are the different math activities that are worth knowing:
One easy way to help your child practice math is with flashcards. Choose a set of math facts and write them on the front side, then have your child solve for an answer. Place these cards in order from least to greatest (e.g., two plus three equals five) so that they can work on mastering each problem before moving onto the next one!
Have you heard about That’s Weird? It’s such a fun game where kids are given number puzzles or games using dice and cubes. They will need to use their mathematical skills like counting, adding, subtracting, comparing numbers, etc., all while having loads of fun!
Put different items into categories (e.g., colors) and then help children count how many objects are in each category as well as sorting them by group size (e.g., two red blocks vs six green cubes). This is a great exercise for their hand-eye coordination skills plus it helps with counting too!
Following are the top 10 ways to engage your children in math activities:
They will need to use their mathematical skills like counting, adding, subtracting, comparing numbers, etc., all while having loads of fun!
This is a great way to teach children the importance of order as well as developing their own sorting skills.
They will need to use both mental math and also try out different strategies for solving equations, such as using objects from around the house, drawing pictures, or some other form of help!
Set up an understanding that there are coins worth one cent; five cents; ten cents etc., just by playing games at home which revolve around earning more than they have now (e.g., pretend shopping).
This can be done by creating a plan of to fill the grid that joins them (e.g., rows) using numbers from the other grid (rows).the house; dividing shapes into halves, thirds, etc.; or through games like “I Spy”
One way is to play with numbers that are not grouped together, such as 123 + 12 – 42 =? Another way is to create two grids where they need
To help them be pro at math’s through math’s activities, they can create pictures with math equations, for example 14 x 31 – 16 when written down could look like this: 14×31=468+16=484 so that would be one possible answer for solving math’s problems without memorizing the equations.
Give your child the answer to the problem and see how long it takes them to work out what it is by just looking at their own workings.
For helping them be pro at maths through maths activities, you can play card games that require you to count cards, calculate percentages, etc., e.g., Uno where players must match colors from their hands against those on the table; Sequence for example has players discard all but one of each card type from their hand before drawing new ones.
Play board games that require math skills, e.g., Carcassonne which involves building a medieval city and requires players to count tokens as they place them on the gameboard; Settlers of Catan is an economic strategy board game with no luck involved where you need to collect resources for trading or constructing buildings in order to win points.
Following are the different benefits of math activities to young kids:
Whether you’re looking for ways to engage your children in math activities at home or need help with homework, we hope this list has been helpful. These tips may not work for every situation and there is no one size fits all strategy that will solve the problem of disengaged kids but hopefully, these ideas can be a starting point for parents who want their kids to develop an interest in mathematics. If you have any other great strategies, please share them!
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