8 Tips to Get Your Kid Into Learning Music

orchidadmin |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

8 Tips to Get Your Kid Into Learning Music

Table of Contents





Music is the way that I express myself. Music has the power to transport people, and it’s my favorite form of art. – Taylor Swift


Music is a beautiful art form. It has the power to transport people to another place and time while also helping them express themselves in ways that they might not be able to through words alone. Yet too often, kids are discouraged from learning music because of things like money or time commitment. But there are some simple things you can do as a parent which will help your child get into learning music— without having to spend too much money!


How to Get Your Child into Learning Music?

Motivating your child to pursue music is going to be a tricky task because music is diverse. Whether it’s about the vocals or musical instruments, one must find a bond with it. To encourage your child to learn music, find out what they’re interested in and start there. It might be a certain type of instrument or genre, but it’s worth asking them about their favorite bands to see if music is something they want to explore more closely. The following are eight tips to spark music interest inside them.


Go to Orchestras or Music Concerts


annual concert


During the summer, several cities have outdoor band and orchestra concerts. Taking your child to such concerts will make them feel the vibe of the music. Seeing people playing various musical instruments and singing will lead your child to learn music. You needn’t really spend a lot of money on the tickets. There are various free or less-expensive family-friendly performances that are offered.


Make Music at Home

Another trick is, you can learn an instrument to make your child interested in it. It’s your time to demonstrate both the delight and the difficulty of learning a new instrument. Not only will your child benefit from watching you learn, but they will also realize that music can be enjoyed at any age. Learning music—it’s a never-ending process!


Enjoy Listening to Music Together

There is nothing like making time for some quality bonding over a song or two, even if you’re not in the same room as your child when they listen to it. You can put on an album and talk about how much you loved this one time that I saw them live at a such-and-such concert. This is a good way to introduce your child to new bands, and it’ll help you stay on top of the latest musical trends so that when they ask about them later, you’re ready for all their questions!


Teach Them What Live Music Is Like

Nothing can replace the emotional connection someone feels from being in front of an energetic live performance. The earlier you introduce your kids to music, the more they’ll be benefited in the long run. Be a part of their learning process by playing with them or listening with them. Just because you enjoyed playing the cello as a child, does not guarantee that your kid will enjoy it as much. So don’t keep teaching only about something you like. 

Allowing your child to try other pursuits is essential since he or she may have other interests. Teach them music without pushing them to like it. And so, when you explain live music, make sure they’re precise and sharp. Don’t bore your child with a long history. 


Enroll Them in a Music Class

Kids of all ages love music and if they’re encouraged enough, the sky’s the limit for their musical abilities. If your child has shown an interest in playing instruments or singing, enroll them in a class like guitar lessons or choir so that they can learn more about what it takes to make music happen on stage. There are plenty of music classes for children but before choosing one try doing this.

  • Get to know about their favorite musician or band. This will help you in figuring what genre they are into. 
  • Then ask them whether they’d want to attempt private music lessons if you can afford it. 
  • Learning music must be fun, so find an interactive class.

Asking questions allows your children to connect with you and demonstrates the importance you have on music in your daily life.


Provide Them with a Set of Instruments

There are many instruments that can be bought cheaply or borrowed. You could start with drums, guitar, piano/keyboard, or a violin. The key is to find out your child’s favorite instrument and then buy it for them when they’re older (maybe around the age of 11). They’ll love you for it. Watch them closely to figure out whether they’re being curious about those instruments. Are they trying it out daily? Asking you to teach them the basics? If so, it’s high time you take a serious move in their music passion.


Praise Them When They Hear or Play Music

Praise your children every time they sing, play an instrument, or hear music. Yes, even appreciating them for hearing the music will show you’re supportive of what they love. Your blossoming young music student will be more motivated to stay devoted to their craft if they see how much you respect their hard work. Show enthusiasm and praise them (don’t make it too obvious) when they make any progress in music. You’ll be surprised at how much of a difference it makes to their self-image, creativity, and confidence.


Don’t Wait for Them to Grow Old

Learning music mustn’t be restricted to a certain age! If you think you should enroll your child in music when she/he turns 15 or 16, then you’re wasting years! When you teach music at an early age, your child may not get the whole idea of music theory at first, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy it. Be a part of their learning process and development by playing music with them or listening to an instrument together. Gradually teach them from an early age for they’ll benefit from it as they grow. The years of practice will be huge compared to children who learn music when they grow old. And always remember, every child is special! It’s up to us to help them shine.


Final Thoughts

Music is a great hobby, and it can even turn into a career! First of all, start by having them play an instrument or sing with you. If they’re too young for formal lessons, then have fun playing instruments together or simply listening to the sounds that come from different types of strung and woodwinds.

If you’re planning to enroll them in classes at an early age, find a teacher that is familiar with your child’s learning style and can explain ideas in a way that keeps your youngster engaged. When your child likes his or her instructor, he or she will be more eager to participate in class.


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