Mautushi Paul |
Parents Corner |
2023-09-05 |
null mins read
Preschool serves as a vital stepping stone for young children, offering a wealth of benefits that extend beyond academic preparation. It provides a nurturing environment where children can enhance their intellectual, social, and motor skills, setting a strong foundation for their future educational journey. Moreover, preschool fosters the development of positive relationships with peers and adults, while also prioritizing the safety and well-being of each child. In the following discussion, we'll explore ten compelling reasons why sending your child to preschool can significantly contribute to their holistic growth and readiness for formal schooling.
1. Pre-literacy
On average, children who attend preschool score higher on reading tests than those who don’t attend preschool programs. Teachers in the early childhood classroom often use games, songs, and books that encourage language development, which can contribute to preschoolers ‘ future reading success.
Alt text: why it is important to enroll your child in for early learning
2. Parent-child relationships
Preschool programs help children learn healthy social behaviours, such as how to get along with other people or resolve disagreements. This can make your child’s relationship with you more harmonious.
3. Language development
Preschool can also help your preschooler develop language skills and expand their vocabulary, allowing them to express themselves more quickly in future communication. In addition, preschools often allow parents and teachers to work together so that children still have time with their families during the day.
4. Social skills
A preschool is a place where young students learn from older people, forming meaningful friendships and relationships throughout the school years. It is there that your preschooler will have the chance to socialise with other preschoolers, learn from them, play and practice skills. Your child will flourish in preschool with an exceptional preschool teacher who loves preschool and has a great deal of experience in young preschool children.
5. Stimulation
Going to preschool can be an exciting adventure for preschoolers, enjoying games and activities that stimulate their minds. In addition, “free” time they spend exploring safe environments while teachers encourage creativity.
6. Learning through play
At preschool, your child learns through play using early childhood development principles. Unlike traditional education systems, there are no grades or tests – nothing limits knowing only what’s necessary.
7. Intelligence
Attending preschool can improve preschoolers’ perception and understanding of the world. It is at the preschool they will face new challenges and experiences that can help them to become more intelligent.
8. Self-esteem
Preschoolers learn how to take care of themselves, such as getting dressed independently, which helps develop self-esteem and independence. The key to having self-esteem is to be able to achieve their goals.
9. Social skills
Preschoolers learn to communicate with others, which is a crucial life skill. In preschool, children develop the ability to interact and work in groups while they play cooperatively, learning how to share and take turns. They also learn the importance of being patient, polite, and kind while resolving conflicts.
10. Adventure
A preschool is a place where your preschooler can explore for the first time without parents or other adults around just to have fun. These important life skills preschoolers acquire will be useful once they start school and may need to travel alone on public transport, for example.
11. Friends
Preschool naturally develops relationships between children by interacting with their peers. As explained earlier, learning through play plays an important role in preschool education.
12. Early learning
It is the perfect place to develop early literacy skills. A preschooler can learn how to read and write, they can learn new words that help them communicate better with their family members and friends despite not fully grasping the meaning of these words yet.
13. Self-awareness
It helps preschoolers understand themselves better by learning more about themselves through activities like drawing, colouring, clay work, etc… This will help your preschoolers build self-confidence as they get older.
14. Physical activity
It has plenty of outdoor time where they play lots of sports and games that are good for physical development. Being physically healthy is just one part of being ready for preschool. Preschoolers should be mentally fit and offer them mental activities like reading, colouring, art, crafts, listening to stories, etc.
15. Socialization
Preschool offers preschoolers the chance to meet other preschoolers and discover that other children are just like them. Your preschooler will learn how to get along with other kids their age which is an important life skill. These social skills learned in it can also help your preschooler during future events such as birthday parties, sleepovers, etc.
16. Mental growth
It helps develop preschoolers’ minds by talking about feelings, listening to different perspectives, exposure to new topics, etc. This mental growth from preschool helps preschoolers develop to their full potential.
17. Physical development
It can also help preschoolers’ physical development through games and activities such as sports, crafts, etc. The preschool environment is a very safe place for preschoolers to grow and learn faster than they may be able to do at home with mom or dad.
18. Language development
Preschool also promotes preschoolers’ language skills by exposing them to new vocabulary words, songs, rhymes, etc. These new vocabulary words learned in it can help expand preschoolers’ vocabularies and make kindergarten easier.
19. Cognitive development
Preschool’s lessons on colours, numbers, shapes, and letters can be preschoolers’ first step into learning and developing problem-solving skills. Parents should understand that it is meant to prepare preschoolers for kindergarten.
20. The preschool environment
Preschools are an exciting, fun place where preschoolers get to run around, play, make new friends, sing songs, etc. It offers children an engaging environment while allowing them the freedom of doing activities independently.
In conclusion, preschool plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for a child's educational journey. By equipping preschoolers with essential tools and skills, such as improved memory, concentration, and listening abilities, preschool fosters their overall development and preparedness for kindergarten and beyond. Embracing the benefits of preschool can instill confidence in parents, as it provides a supportive environment for children to adapt to structured routines and enhance cognitive abilities. Therefore, parents should view preschool as a positive opportunity for their child's growth and development, promoting a strong educational and social framework for future success.
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