Ankita Raj |
Child Learning |
2023-09-05 |
null mins read
Pictionary is a visual word-guessing game played in teams with players trying to identify specific words from pictures drawn by their teammates. It was first introduced by Robert Angel with graphic design by Gary Everson in 1985. Later, Mattel (a multinational toys and entertainment company) acquired ownership of the Pictionary game in 2001. In this blog, I’ll discuss how to play this fun draw-n-guess game.
During the pandemic in 2020, the comeback of board games was evident. Especially for millennial parents working from home who had to come up with options to entertain their kids, Pictionary was one of the trendy games. Nevertheless, board games can never go out of trend, considering Pictionary is a pure fun game. Let’s start with the elements of Pictionary (basic version).
Elements (elements can differ in various versions of the game):
Category cards (there are five categories usually; it can also be four categories):
Objective (goal of the game):
Choose one player on your team to be the ‘Picturist’. The highest rolling team starts the order of play. The player moves a mover piece on the game board formed by a sequence of squares. On your team’s turn, the Picturist has two minutes to sketch the prompted word from a card he drew. If you’re the one sketching, try to quickly sketch the prompt so your team can correctly identify the picture. The objective of the Pictionary game is to correctly identify what the ‘Picturist’ is trying to express through the pictures that they draw and reach the last space on the board to win the game.
Note: Both the picture and the Picturist are prohibited from including any numbers or letters or from using oral cues to indicate what they are sketching. The team members make an effort to guess the word that the drawing is supposed to represent.
Make the game fun by doodling the pictures and letting your kid and his friends have fun while they guess the artistic work of their playmates. At the end of the Pictionary game, a team must reach the final Square on the Pictionary board for the chance to win the game. The first team to identify the word during the last round with ten points in hand wins and forget to reward the team with exciting gifts.
The game of Pictionary helps young children to develop the following:
The benefits of this fun learning game aren’t limited because Pictionary has many versions like Pictionary Card Game, Pictionary Quiz, Pictionary Jr, Pictionary: Showdown, Pictionary Team Relay, Pictionary Air, and many more.
Irrespective of the game rules and variations, you can make your own Pictionary game or Pictionary quiz to make it more accessible and fun learning for your kid as well as for you. If you haven’t played this fun-filled learning game with your kid, perhaps you should Pictionary today!
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