orchidadmin |
Health and Nutrition |
2023-09-05 |
null mins read
Parenting is not just a cakewalk. With it comes many ups and downs. And one of them is when you spot your kiddo has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD. There’s an adage that says: “If you’ve seen one ADHD child, then you’ve seen one ADHD child.” That means that every person with ADHD has a unique set of symptoms. Some kids may be hyperactive, others inattentive, some of both. ADHD symptoms can change over time and even vary from day to day or moment to moment.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is one of the most common chronic childhood disorders, affecting around 11.32% of school-going children in India.
It is a neurological condition that causes children to have trouble paying attention, controlling impulses, and staying organized.
ADHD symptoms usually become noticeable at age 12–14 but may not make themselves known until early adulthood. When undetected and untreated during parenting, it can continue into adulthood, causing loss of career, reputation, relationship, self-esteem, and more.
ADHD is a condition that can be difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of this disorder are wide-ranging – some people with ADHD have trouble paying attention or sitting still while other people with ADHD may not seem affected by the disorder at all.
A trained psychologist is the best resource for diagnosing ADHD in children, but they’re not always available when needed.
While parenting such kids you will notice, a child is usually fidgety and has trouble sitting still for more than a few minutes. In some cases, hyperactive children are unable to sit or stand in one place without squirming constantly. They often talk excessively with poor impulse control and act as if “driven by a motor.”
Overstimulation will also trigger an episode of hyperactivity, so they may be most difficult when at school, around other people, after fasting due to hunger (morning), during times of transition (after waking up from a nap), or before bedtime.
Children with ADHD typically have a hard time staying focused on one task. They can also find it difficult to follow instructions or remember what they were just told and will often daydream about other things. They will be prone to spacing out in lectures or meetings and missing the content.
ADHD kids often struggle at school because it’s hard for them to stay seated during class time and do homework after coming home from school. It also makes it difficult for them to remember where items go, so they often lose things and have difficulty adhering to routines.
ADHD symptoms in toddlers can look like: acting without thinking about consequences, like interrupting others while they’re talking; trying things that could lead to injury; jumping on furniture, running into the street without looking.
This includes worrying about things that are unlikely to happen and being fearful of going places or doing new things on their own. They may be afraid of the dark, animals, monsters under the bed, and separation from their parents.
Children with ADHD can have difficulty dealing with everyday frustrations like getting tangled in clothes, spilling a drink by accident, or not understanding instructions. And as it happens with them, the same thing is seen to be faced by many parents while parenting such children. This leads to tantrums when they don’t get what they want right away.
A child with ADHD will always have their mind in different places simultaneously, and hence they will have problems finishing a task on time. Yes, we know that parenting these kids is a bit difficult. For example, they may start to work on something but move on to the other things that catch their interest before finishing.
A child with ADHD has difficulty organizing things. They will never be able to keep track of tasks and activities either at home or at school. Their room or study desk might be messy and all over the place.
They will avoid doing tasks where they need to think. They do this because they lack focus. They will mostly depend on others to do that for them, whether at home, school, or just about anywhere. ADHD symptoms in adults also show up in the form of avoiding tasks that require significant thinking or organization.
Kids with ADHD may have trouble talking. And in parenting, you need to understand this. Either they talk too much or too little, or too irrelevant. Most often, ADHD symptoms may look like speaking without thinking and only later realizing the implications.
To sum this blog up, It’s crucial for parents to understand ADHD symptoms in kids and their effects on them. The good news is that there are treatments available, so if you think your child might have ADHD symptoms, you should contact a medical professional right away.
We hope this article has helped you better understand what ADHD looks like in children and how to treat it while you are going through a tough parenting time. Noticing ADHD symptoms is essential to give kids a better chance at succeeding in school. It’s not always easy, but it can be done with some effort and patience.
Our advice to new parents is that Orchids International School has trained teachers to support kids with ADHD in school. If you are looking for one for your child. Approach us. We provide a supportive and developmentally appropriate environment that prepares children for success at home, work, and life.
Our personalized approach includes an individualized curriculum tailored to each child’s needs as well as clinical interventions. To learn more about what we do, contact us today!
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