Homeschooling During COVID-19 Outbreak

orchidadmin |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


Table of Contents


Changing Times

We are going through a tough time. In the clutches of the dreaded coronavirus, the world is looking for some answers. Everything is at standstill now, and we all hope for a new day after such a long, terrible night. As this is a comparatively new virus, taking treatment is of utmost importance. Sometimes, if you are being told, you have to take Quarantine or Self- Isolation as well.  Because Coronavirus is deadly, we have to take all the necessary pre-requisites, even if it leaves us with the option of homeschooling children.

The education of children is our biggest focal point in these troubled times.  How will they learn if they cannot attend school? How can they study if there are no alternatives to being taught by a teacher? Will they fritter time like anything by doing nothing? Will they waste time by indulging in too much TV watching, computer-related activities, etc? How can we help them in conquering their destiny?

Turning to Homeschooling Children

Homeschooling in India is one of the best options as of now. As the name and concept are not much prevalent in India and most of the Eastern world, this is of utmost importance in these times of insecurities.  

The most important question is how can we home school effectively children during such a time? What kind of resources do we need for this? Can schools also be involved in this process? We need answers.

Turning to Homeschooling Children

Orchids the International School, one of the best CBSE schools near me, which has been at the forefront of education for several years, has found out a novel solution for this.

Homeschooling Programs for Students

As these are not mandatory classes, we have tried our best to make the classes interesting and entertaining for the child.  There are many benefits of homeschooling and we aim to instill new confidence in children by engaging them in various activities.

Some specialties of the online classes include-:

  • We have appropriately named our online classes as the Early starters program as it is aimed at classes from pre-nursery to Grade 2.
  • The teacher will interact with students in sessions lasting 15 minutes as one to one calls.
  • As one of the top International Schools near me, we have teachers who are having the relevant expertise in the field.
  • We intend to focus on areas such as literacy, numeracy, and speaking skills.
  • The instruments of communication will be our School App along with the email.
  • This will keep the student engaged. Homeschooling advantages are that this type of online schooling is a novelty for children and thus they find it interactive and fun.

Homeschooling Programs for Students

  • The parents can also access additional questions on the Let’s Eduvate website.
  • The progress will be discussed with parents using follow up calls and discussions can also happen with the child via Zoom call.
  • The will be a homeschooling curriculum that will be followed, to check and analyze the progress of the child, the parents can also upload various documents, such as completed worksheets, audio recordings, videos, etc. These will be further reviewed by the teachers.


Homeschooling in India is to develop cognitive skill sets in children. Children are our new tomorrow. As guardians, as responsible teachers and parents, it is our responsibility to usher them to a glorious future. With the right homeschooling programs and efforts, we believe to achieve new benefits of homeschooling and triumph.
