Hangman Game for Kids and All You Need to Know Them

Samadrita Chakraborty |

Academics |

2024-08-08 |

null mins read

Hangman game how to play

Table of Contents

“Guess what I bought for you.” excites children the most when they see their parents entering the house with a wrapped gift. This single statement from the parents overjoys little ones, and they start making the wildest guesses. Imagine how exciting it would be for them if you played a guessing game! There are many brain games for children, but nothing could beat the hangman game to date. This is an exciting guessing game that you must play in groups. In this age of nuclear families, you hardly find quality family time. So, why not utilise these rare quality times to their fullest by playing engaging games like the Hangman game?

What is Hangman Game

The Hangman game is at the top of all brain games, though invented a long time back. This is a guessing game that two or more players can play together. While one player thinks of a word, phrase, or sentence, others try to guess it by suggesting letters within a certain number of guesses. Though the game started its journey as a regular pen-paper game, now you can find its digital version as well. Children can play the Hangman game online with friends when their parents are not around. 

How to Play The Game Hangman

Are you new to the game and do not know the ABCs of it? Here are just six steps to understand how to play the Hangman game. 

  • Make a personal host who will write the puzzle for the other team member to solve. Now, the person has to choose a word or phrase that “the players” will have to solve. The host must spell the word or phrase correctly; otherwise, there will be confusion. 
  • Now, the other player/players have to guess the word letter by letter. Therefore, choosing a problematic word makes the game challenging. Go for phrases to play the game for a long time. 
  • Now, the executioner has to draw blank lines for his word. Suppose he has chosen an 8-word letter like ‘Enormous’. He has to draw eight blank lines. The host is not allowed to say the word to anyone. That is the perk of the hangman word game. 
  • If you are to find the word, start by asking the host about the letters. You can ask him, “Is there a ‘t’ in the word?” Generally, people begin with vowels or common letters like ‘n’, ‘s’, or ‘t’. 
  • The host has to start filling in the blanks with letters if the player guesses it correctly. Suppose the player says ‘r’. The host has to do it like this: (_ _ _ r _ _ _ _)
  • The Hangman game can be won with clues but be something other than a spoilsport. Make the game tougher with no clue. Whenever the person guesses a wrong letter, the host has to add a line to the hangman as if the player is hanging himself with each incorrect guess. 

Benefits of Playing Hangman Game for Kids

In this mobile and computer gaming era, every parent searches for how to engage their children in offline indoor games. The Hangman game is a classic example of that. Some of the benefits of the Hangman game are:

Improved Vocabulary

Hangman games are preferably played with an adult so that children can be introduced to new words. When they play with children of their age, it is less likely that they will learn any new words. So, this game enthuses children with the knowledge of new words. 

Building Patience

The hangman game continues for a long time. So, the player guesses after the guess. Therefore, children need a lot of patience to reach the end of the game. Now, the addiction to winning is such that children cannot help but continue this game until the end.

Teach Sportsmanship 

In this era of maximum competitiveness, children are easily depressed when they lose once. This game invites them to make wrong guesses multiple times. Children learn to accept failure, and that is one of the perks of group hangman games.

Strengthen Intuitions 

When children keep guessing, and all of their guesses go wrong, they learn a lot about the host’s body language. Their intuition becomes so strong that they can anticipate things before they take place. 

Quality Time with Family

In this rat race, we should have remembered to sit with our close ones and spend quality time. The Hangman Game brings back those sweet family times, and children learn the value of their parent’s company. 

So, why are you delaying spending quality time with your little one during this season of holidays? Play the Hangman game, and let us know your experience. Make memories that your children will love to cherish later in their life. 

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