Coed Schools Versus Gender-Specific Schools: Which Is Best for Your Child?

Prakhar Gajendrakar |

CBSE Board |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read

Gender And School

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“My child is now 3 years old, and I have been having anxiety over which school in JP Nagar to send her to – coed schools or all-girls school,” – asked Seema, mother of two. 

The coed school versus single gender school debate has been a hot topic in the education world for quite some time. But which is better? Which should you choose? To answer these questions, we will be looking at coed schools and how they compare to single gender schools.

One of the first things that coed schools do differently than traditional single gender schools is that they have more opportunities for students to learn about different cultures, beliefs, and ideas outside of their own cultural cohort. This helps students develop not only academically but also socially as well.

What is Coed School

It refers to a coed school as an institution that educates boys and girls on single gender schools. Coeducation has its origin in the belief that learners can derive benefit by learning with peers of the opposite sex. It fosters both academic learning and socialization because children are mingling among diversified people, inducing mutual respect and understanding.

An aim of the idea is to offer the same quality of education to all students, irrespective of gender. A system, open to both genders, can easily establish a natural learning atmosphere that reflects the diversity of real life wherein people of any gender work and cooperate together to cope with their lives. The sharing of experiences and ideas lets the learners in coed schools reach the point where they experience other's ways of thinking, which helps them develop basic skills for mankind, such as empathy, cooperation, and the expression of thoughts and ideas.

There is philosophy in coeducation, stating that children learn more about themselves and other people when not restricted by gender barriers. Coed schools encourage equality and break down the long traditional marks of a man or woman. In a coeducational institution, students can challenge societal norms and get a better view of the world.

More importantly, coed schools offer a wide range of activities, sports, and extracurricular programs that involve boys and girls. Through these, the students are opened up to grow in a well-rounded manner as they cultivate both scholars and personal ability.

Actually, coeducational schools support holistic learning because equality, inclusion, and understanding are promoted to help students better equip themselves to prepare for life in a diverse and interconnected world.

The History of Coed Schools in India

The coed schools were started in India by three Christian missionaries, namely, Revs. William Yates, George Ewing, and John McLeod of American Missionary Association (AMA) during 1818 – 1925 as they wanted to provide children education irrespective of their caste or creed background.

single gender schools was a new concept for Indians at that time who believed it would lead to ‘moral laxity. However, coeducation gained recognition after 1930 when Mahatma Gandhi supported co-educated institutions saying, “let boys and girls be taught together so that they can grow up without any sense of shame.” His support led thousands across the country to take the initiative on coed schools.

It was only after the 1950’s when coeducational schools started increasing across India despite opposition from conservative Indians who were against co-education institutions based on moral grounds.

Besides these three missionaries, there are other people, including Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Baba Amte, Swami Vivekananda, and Rani Lakshmi Bai. They have contributed significantly to this noble cause of providing education to all children irrespective of their caste or gender.

Benefits of Coed Schools

Introduces The Concept of Gender Equality

Coed schools have a very crucial function in trying to give equal opportunities to boys and girls in education, hence fostering gender equality. In India's developing society where old unchallenging gender roles and stereotypes are still being enacted, coeducation would be an instrumental aid in helping students of all genders learn together in a place where they are exposed to being free from dated norms of the society and forming a more balanced point of view on gender roles.

single gender schools are raised to perceive each other as equal; such perception develops mutual respect, and understanding happens. Such a setting removes stereotypes that indicate certain careers or activities are only applicable for a particular gender. Girls will feel more encouraged to pursue science and mathematics while boys will feel they can have more freedom to do literature or art careers, which are usually gender-oriented.

single gender schools system also ensures that both boys and girls get opportunities for acquiring job training and skill development without any discrimination of gender. Coed schools help prepare students for a future that will demand cooperation in all aspects of the world as well as gender equality for success.

Apart from equality in academics, co-ed schooling also reduces social barriers created by single-gender education. When students of different genders learn and interact with each other every day, they improve their ability to communicate and empathize. This helps them to form a more inclusive view of the world, which is absolutely essential in a world that increasingly reveres diversity.

Hence, coed schools are a much more progressive and inclusive society that challenges the long-held gender roles and endorses the concept of gender equality that enables students to function competently both in their personal and professional lives.

Broadens the Mindset of Kids Early On.

Coed schools have a very crucial function in trying to give equal opportunities to boys and girls in education, hence fostering gender equality. In India's developing society where old unchallenging gender roles and stereotypes are still being enacted, coeducation would be an instrumental aid in helping students of all genders learn together in a place where they are exposed to being free from dated norms of the society and forming a more balanced point of view on gender roles.

Boys and girls in co-educational schools are raised to perceive each other as equal; such perception develops mutual respect, and understanding happens. Such a setting removes stereotypes that indicate certain careers or activities are only applicable for a particular gender. Girls will feel more encouraged to pursue science and mathematics while boys will feel they can have more freedom to do literature or art careers, which are usually gender-oriented.

The co education system also ensures that both boys and girls get opportunities for acquiring job training and skill development without any discrimination of gender. Coed schools help prepare students for a future that will demand cooperation in all aspects of the world as well as gender equality for success.

Apart from equality in academics, co-ed schooling also reduces social barriers created by single-gender education. When students of different genders learn and interact with each other every day, they improve their ability to communicate and empathize. This helps them to form a more inclusive view of the world, which is absolutely essential in a world that increasingly reveres diversity.

Hence, coed schools are a much more progressive and inclusive society that challenges the long-held gender roles and endorses the concept of gender equality that enables students to function competently both in their personal and professional lives.

Prepares Your Kid for the Future

The future generation needs to be aware of what is going around the world. It starts by understanding the problems and issues the other face and how they can be helpful to them, breaking all the stereotypes of gender biases, masculinity, femininity, and facades of casual sexism and sexist nature in general.

single gender schools is beneficial for all genders because co educational school systems promote better attitudes towards the opposite sex.

It gives them an opportunity to understand their roles in society and what they are capable of doing and gives people a chance to interact with others who are different from themselves early on in life.

Difference Between Co-ed And Single-Sex Schools

Lack of Perspective

When studying in a single-sex school, whether it be an all-boys or all-girls school, the students tend to have a collective mindset regarding any subject or topic. It causes a lack of perspective and difficulty accepting a different thought process of the opposite gender. Later in life, these school traits can create problems in communication both personally and professionally.


Every decision in a single-sex school is based on commonality, and the broader spectrum or the big picture gets avoided. The school itself is designed according to just one gender and thus creates a dividing line, which gets thicker with each passing year.

Gets Tough When You Leave The School

Students studying in a single-sex school get habituated to a single environment consisting of just boys or girls. When they leave school and start working, things get more complicated. They do not know how to react When they come across the opposite gender and what not to do. It may seem like a trivial issue, but it gets more severe and becomes a roadblock in their growth and development.


In conclusion, the choice between a coed school and a gender-specific school would depend on which is better for your child. Their needs are different and personality will take on an important role. In fact, single gender schools  schools really foster a social environment that teaches boys and girls to respect each other and interact properly in the real world. Gender-specific schools may offer more tailored learning settings specifically focused on addressing the unique educational and emotional needs of boys or girls. The ideal choice will depend on your child's learning style, preference, and the values you want them to develop. You need to consider how each setting best aligns with the overall development of your child to have a positive and enriching educational experience.


1. What are the most important advantages of coed schools?

Coed schools provide the opportunity for gender equality as both boys and girls may learn together. This will enhance mutual respect among one another, build social competency, and prepare them for different experiences they would face in life.

2. What are the benefits of single gender schools?
Single gender schools can provide a tailored learning environment that addresses unique educational and emotional needs specific to boys and girls. Children, therefore, can learn through specialized teaching techniques since this kind of environment eliminates distraction that results from a mixed-gender learning environment.

3. How do I choose the best school for my child?
A parent should consider the child's personality, style of learning, and social needs, and then determine which type of school-state coed or single gender-is a better fit for their values and what best supports his or her development to have a positive educational experience.

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