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Overcoming Board Exam Anxiety

Monisha |

Featured Blogs |

2024-08-09 |

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As the board exams are fast approaching, some students are already feeling overwhelmed with the pressure and anxiety of having to perform well in their exams. Exam anxiety can be a major obstacle to success, as it can lead to decreased test performance, difficulty concentrating, or even sickness.

Luckily, there are strategies that can help students overcome these feelings of exam anxiety and ultimately perform better on their exams. Here are some tips to help you feel more confident and comfortable when you’re preparing for your board exams.

Relaxation Techniques

Exam fears, anxiety, tension will surround students yet, the word Relax makes everything easier. Students need not to take up the exam fears up to their necks. Instead, they can follow a few tips to reduce their fear of exams and here are a few relaxation techniques to overcome their exam fear.

Stay Calm

Feeling a little nervous before exams is totally okay. It's like when you're about to do something exciting, like going on a rollercoaster or performing in a school play. Those butterflies in your tummy are just a sign that you care about doing well. But sometimes, those butterflies can turn into a pesky monster called exam anxiety.

First, let's start with preparation. Imagine studying for exams like preparing for a big race. You wouldn't want to wait until the last minute to start training, right? Start your studying early, so you have plenty of time to learn and review the material. This can help make things feel less stressful.

Now, let's talk about staying calm. Sometimes, your mind and body just need a little break. Simple deep breathing, meditation, or doing some stretches can help calm your mind and make you feel more relaxed. Move on with a calm mind and storm up the results.

Stay Focused

Staying focused is like using a superpower to make sure you do your best! Sometimes, it can be tricky, especially when there are lots of things happening around you. But with these awesome tips, you can train your focus superpower to be super strong. First off, find a quiet and comfy spot to do your work. It could be a cozy corner in your room or a peaceful place outside. This will help you concentrate without any distractions.

If you feel your mind wandering, take a deep breath and gently bring your thoughts back to your work. It's normal for your mind to wander, but you can train it to come back to what you're doing. Lastly, remember to believe in yourself! Tell yourself, "I can do this!" and keep trying. You're a super kid with an amazing focus superpower, and you've got this!

Take Breaks

Taking breaks is like giving your brain a little holiday when it's been working hard. It could be playing with your favorite toys or drawing your favorite pictures. You can also listen to your favorite music or dance around for a bit. These breaks help your brain rest and get ready to learn more when you go back to studying.

When you take breaks, you give your brain a chance to relax and have some fun. So, remember to take little breaks while studying. It will help your brain stay fresh and make learning even more fun! 

Healthy Habits

Feeling a little worried about your exams eventually affects kids' health and makes them fall ill during exams. To overcome all of this unhealthy exam preparation, here we provide a few easy healthy habit tips to gain good health as well as best results of exams. Here are some super awesome habits to help you feel better and do your best!

Eat Healthy

Eating healthy is like giving your body the best fuel it needs to do all the amazing things you want to do, like ace your exams! Here's why it's super important to eat good food during exam time. First off, fruits and veggies are like the superheroes of food. They give you lots of energy and help your brain concentrate better. They're like the best friends your brain can have!

Next, it's good to say "see you later" to sugary treats and junk food for a little while. While they might taste yummy, they can make your brain feel a bit fuzzy and make you feel more nervous. So, it's best to enjoy them in small amounts and choose healthier snacks most of the time.

Lastly, drinking lots of water is like giving your brain a refreshing shower. It keeps you feeling super focused and alert, just what you need during exams. So habitual healthy habits will make your brain work faster and ace your score up.


Exercise is like a superhero secret weapon for your brain, and it's super fun too! Here's why it's a great idea to find a little time for exercise every day, especially during exams. First off, when you move and play, it's like your brain is doing a happy dance! Exercise is like a magical potion that helps you feel less stressed and more clear-headed. So, make sure to find some time for exercise every day. Your brain will feel calmer, and you'll be super ready to tackle those exams like a champ!

Get Plenty of Sleep

Getting plenty of sleep is like giving your brain a big, cozy hug it loves. Here's why it's super important to make sure you get a good night's sleep, especially when you have exams coming up.

Your brain works like a superhero during the day, but at night it needs to rest and recharge, just like you! To make sure you get plenty of sleep, it's good to have a regular sleep schedule. That means going to bed and waking up around the same time every day.

Your brain needs its beauty sleep, so it can be at its best when you wake up the next day. So, make sure to snuggle up in bed and let your brain dream of all the amazing things you'll do during your exams! So, remember to tuck yourself in early and have sweet dreams. Your brain will thank you, and you'll be all set for a new day full of fun and learning!  

Smart Study Habits

To make studying easier and reduce worry about exams, create a plan for studying that is easy to follow. Instead of studying for a long time, try studying for a short time and then take a break. It's like a special plan that helps you feel less stressed, just like a superhero!

Focus on one piece of information at a time, and give yourself little goals to reach. If something feels hard, that's okay; you can come back to it later. It's also good to take breaks during your study time to give your brain a rest. Here are a few steps to prepare your study plan to a better one.

Study Plan

To alleviate exam anxiety, create a well-organized study plan that focuses on consistent, short study sessions rather than prolonged cramming. Break down the material into manageable chunks, setting specific goals for each session.

Breaking your study time into chunks, often referred to as the Pomodoro Technique, involves focusing on a task for a short period, typically 25 to 30 minutes, followed by a brief break. This approach helps enhance concentration, reduce procrastination, prevent burnout, and improve information retention.

By spacing out study sessions and incorporating regular breaks, you give your brain the opportunity to recharge, leading to more effective learning. The technique is adaptable to personal preferences, providing a structured and efficient way to manage study sessions while minimizing stress. Establish a realistic timetable that allows for sufficient review and rest leading up to the exam, ensuring you are well-prepared and confident on exam day.

Get Organized

Before the exams, make sure you set up a study plan and stick to it. Divide your time and divide your material into manageable sections. Make sure to review the material often to ensure you’re familiar with it all. Create a colourful timetable with breaks for snacks, games, and relaxation. This way, studying won't feel like a mountain to climb but more like an exciting adventure!

Final Note

On the day of your exam, take a moment to remind yourself that you've prepared well. Believe in your superpowers! You're not just taking a test; you're showing the world how amazing you are. No matter how the exam went, be proud of yourself.You gave it your best shot, and that's what matters the most. Treat yourself to a little celebration – you deserve it! With these fantastic strategies, you'll conquer exam anxiety and show those board exams who's boss. Remember, you're awesome, and you've got the power to shine bright in any challenge that comes your way.



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