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Environmental Law, Legislation and Policies: A Kid-Friendly Guide for Parents and Children

Pinkey Sharma |

Environmental Awareness |

2024-09-11 |

null mins read

Environmental Law

Table of Contents

The Earth is our home, magnificent in landscapes, rich in biodiversity, and filled with resources that maintain us. Yet, did you realize that the planet needs protection? Just the way rules are implied at homes and in schools helps protect us and bring happiness to us, environmental laws and policies are for protecting our environment. These laws ensure that we breathe clean air, drink safe water and that the creatures of the earth have a natural space in which to live. This blog looks at some of the most critical environmental laws, how governments and organizations come together to defend nature, and how all people, including children and parents, can engage in fighting for a healthier planet.

What Are Environmental Laws and Policies?

Environmental Law is a group of rules and regulations aimed at protecting the environment from destruction or deterioration under human activities. They take care of pollution control, wildlife preservation, and management of natural resources. They lie at the center of ensuring a proper balance between development and the preservation of the environment.

Environmental Policy may be defined as the process of a government, or institution, on its implementation and enforcement of the law. These may be in the form of regulations, incentives (such as sustainable travel rewards), and education in awareness of different issues that affect the environment. The joining between the set of laws and such policy parameters leads to environmental protection.

Indian Environmental Legislation

Here are some examples of Environmental Laws that save the Planet:

The Environmental Protection Act (1986)

What It Does: This law is like a superhero that protects the environment from harm. It gives the government the power to take action against anyone causing pollution or harming nature. The government can set rules on how much pollution factories can release and can even shut down factories that break these rules.

Why It Matters: It helps keep our air, water, and land clean, making sure we have a healthy place to live.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

It keeps our water clean. This legislation provides for guidelines on what factories and businesses can and cannot put into rivers, lakes, and oceans. It provided for a special group to be called the "Pollution Control Board" that shall monitor the water pollution in the country.

It matters because clean water is necessary for drinking, cooking, and making sure our ecosystems are healthy.

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act (1981)

How it Helps: This is pretty much like the Water Act. This one deals with the cleanliness of the air. It creates a permissible limit for discharging pollution into the atmosphere from factories, vehicles, etc. The Pollution Control Board looks over the quality of the air and takes care that the rules are properly implemented.

It matters because clean air is essential to human health. This law helps ensure that there is safety in the air we breathe.

The Wildlife Protection Act (1972)

How it works: It aims to protect the animals and their habitats. This law disallows killing endangered animals; it also aids in having special areas called "sanctuaries" and "national parks" where animal life can be safe.

Why It Matters: The protection of animals along with their habitats helps in maintaining a proper balance in nature. This act is a means to ensure that we are not deprived of any such precious wildlife.

The Forest Conservation Act (1980)

What It Does: This act protects India's forests. It stops people from cutting trees without official permission and also promotes the conservation of forests.

Why It Matters: Forests are the habitat of several animals and plants. They also help to purify the air and provide us with resources such as wood and medicine. Hence, the protection of forests is essential for our environment.

The National Green Tribunal Act (2010)

What It Does: This act provided for a new tribunal known as the "National Green Tribunal" concerning the protection and conservation of forests and the environment. NGT shall take under its purview the cases about the protection and conservation of forests and the environment. The NGT may initiate action for compensation and ensure compliance with environmental laws in case of failure.

Why it matters: It ensures that Environmental Laws are implemented fast and, more importantly, without bias. Just like a special judge for nature

Advocacy and Activism for Stronger Environmental Policies

Advocacy and activism play a very fundamental role in the construction and implementation of environmental policies towards making them effective. Such activities help in the creation of knowledge and awareness of the environmental challenges by stirring action by the governments and, to some extent, organizations toward action.


The activists consist of the passionate-filled singular forces fronting for the change desired, be it social or political. Taking environmental activists, such as Greta Thunberg, has spurred millions to move for action against climate change. They give speeches, hold protests, and use social media to bring attention to the environmental imperative and inspire others to follow suit.

Grassroots movements

Grassroots movements imply local community solutions on the local environmental front. More often, the movements emerge on the small front, where the local citizens unite to safeguard their natural environment. Whether it's to protest against a factory polluting the environment or to be in favor of conserving a local park, the grassroots movement can bring huge differences in term of improving the environment.

Public Participation:

It is involvement by the citizens that makes any process in the formulation of environmental decisions effective. They can do so through public consultations, town hall meetings, or through their involvement with environmental organizations. People can do their part by speaking their minds and showing their support for environmental campaigns to push for policy change in having environmental justice affected.

Educational Campaigns:

Education is one of the powerful ways to inform people about the environment. Schools join campaigns by nongovernmental organizations and even those run by governments to be able to inform people about the necessity of preserving the environment. Such campaigns may be in the form of workshops, availability of information materials showing the situation, or community events, which will help disseminate that kind of information. It becomes an instrument that brings forth a change in behavior towards the environment that probably would never have been achieved.

Education of children towards the environment is central to implanting in them a feeling of responsibility towards the planet. Try these simple, fun ideas to teach about the environment to kids:

Use Everyday Language:

Tone down those big words and complicated scientific terms; use plain, simple language that children can easily understand. Instead of saying 'biodiversity, explain it as 'all the different kinds of animals and plants found in kind. For instance, rather than saying 'diversity you can say 'all the different kinds of animals and plants

Analogies and Examples:

Give some conversational instances or analogies from everyday life. For example, an ozone layer might be akin to a "shield"—the shield that covers and doesn't allow the harmful rays of the sun to fall directly on the Earth.

Interactive Activities:

These activities may help instill in the child some interest in learning about the environment: tree planting, gardening, or getting involved in some small recycling activity. Hands-on activities aid in the learning of the importance of caring for the environment.

Environmental themes in books and stories can be extremely helpful in igniting interest and learning about something valuable in kids. Books such as "The Lorax" by Dr.Antoine Bechara and "The Magic School Bus and the Climate Challenge" serve as a very good medium for building basic knowledge among children towards the environment.

Motivate children to venture into the field and ask questions. Whether it is a park walkway or through a traveler's nature reserve, first-hand experiences from the natural world could breed affection for the environment.

Significance of Environmental Laws and Policies

Environmental laws and policies are significant in several ways including being protective of human health,

Clean air and water are extremely vital requirements to be maintained for the soundness of human beings. With a rise in pollution, environmental laws check the pollution. By giving clean drinking water, the laws also look after the supply of safe air to be inhaled.

Earth is a living hub of various species of microorganisms, each with its role and function of the place. Due to the laws specified for the protection and maintenance of endangered species with their foreign habitats, the biodiversity is maintained, and the ecological balance is restored.

Controlling Climate Change:

Climate change is a massive problem globally, and the laws and policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions are the solution to moderate the severe impacts and save our planet in the future.

The difficulties in reaching effective environmental agreements are experienced at the international level. They involve the cooperation of governments that might have strong disagreements about how to handle environmental policy. Moreover, some countries have been very reluctant to sign environmental treaties, as the actions required by the treaties can bring about economic troubles. This obstacle has been fairly strong for developing countries. Starting in the 1970s, more and more environmental treaties have included provisions to ease the burden on developing countries. A treaty might provide financial aid to help developing countries meet their obligations.

The biggest challenge to the effectiveness of environmental treaties is compliance—that is, getting countries to do what they promised to do. Penalties for non-compliance by countries can be written into a treaty as an attempted means of enforcement. The history of such attempts shows that they often do not work. One reason is that the other countries in the treaty may be unwilling or unable to impose the penalties. Other means of attempting to force compliance have been hard to establish. Many countries are reluctant to agree to rules set by foreigners or by international organizations. In most agreements, therefore, each country is left to monitor compliance on its own. Typically a country will define compliance in the way that best serves its national interest. Despite this difficulty, international environmental agreements are likely to become more important as environmental problems become more severe.

Many areas of international environmental law remain relatively undeveloped. International agreements have contributed to the uniformity of some environmental laws, more or less, between countries. Nevertheless, the laws regulating types of activities often vary significantly from one location to another. The inconsistency in the law translates to mean that activities legal within a country may cause illegal environmental damage across borders.

Encouragement of Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a type of newly defined development that we can satisfy our needs without any hamper or destruction of the ability of the next generations, and for that reason, environmental policies are for the protection of resources and nature, and conservation of practices that do not destroy nature.

What Will You Do?

Everyone, even children and parents, may contribute to environmental conservation by following some advances;

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Trashing unnecessary things and reusing some things to save space and resources before these wastes get to the landfills. This means recycling after reducing and reusing remaining materials because few materials are capable of recycling like paper, plastics, and glasses.

Consume Energy:

Turn off lights and other electronic devices when not in use, use energy-saving appliances, and adopt renewable sources of energy sources as much as possible like solar energy.

Save some water:

Repair all leakages, be efficient when taking baths and have appliances that are water-friendly

Purchase environmentally-friendly products:

That is buying products made of sustainable materials bought from companies and businesses that are eco-friendly.

Get involved in your communities:

Join activities conducted in your community to make sure the environment is clean. For example tree planting or community clean-up activities. You can also join an environmental group or club that will be generated in your community.

How to Explain Environment to a Child?

It can be great fun to explain environment to a child. One can start by describing about the environment around us like trees, air, water, animals, etc. Parents and teachers can explain to them that it is the Environment that helps the living things to grow and remain healthy. They can be further explained that just as we need food and water for survival, we also have the responsibility to take care of this planet. Plants and trees gives us oxygen to breathe as well as shade to rest. Similarly, we also need to provide safe homes for animals. The best way is to take the children on a trip to a place filled with nature. They can be told about the importance of trees, animals, birds, insects and their direct and indirect contribution to the environment. They can be encouraged to pick up litters, to plant more trees and to keep the environment safe and clean to have a healthy surrounding. Children can be made volunteers to spread the awareness on recycling of substances, saving water and other natural resources, rain water harvesting etc. 


Take care of the environment. Environmental laws and environmental policies serve the future of our dearest planet. If well understood, it makes everyone involved fit to battle for a greener and cleaner world. If you are a parent who teaches their child how to recycle, or perhaps you are a baby, worried about how you want to help Mother Nature, then each and everyone is given an equal shot. Let's all be conscious about Earth and together try to do a better job for every being living on Earth.


1. What is environmental legislation?

Environmental legislation serves to prohibit, restrict, and regulate environmentally harmful practices.

2. What is the main objective of environmental legislation?

The objective of the Environment Protection Act (EPA) is to protect and improve the environment and environmental conditions. It also implements the decisions made at the UN Conference on Human Environment that was held in Stockholm in the year 1972.

3. How to explain the environment to a child?

All the physical surroundings on Earth are called the environment. The environment includes everything living and everything nonliving. The nonliving part of the environment has three main parts: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, and the lithosphere.

We hope you enjoyed reading the above article. Please do not forget to share this blog with your friends and community members to spread awareness of "Environmental Law”, “Environmental Legislation” and “Environmental Policy”.



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