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Your Proper Guide To Celebrate World Book Day With Ease In India!

Neha Mahesh |

Days and Festival |

2023-09-05 |

null mins read


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The world of books is one that everyone falls in love with slowly, then all together at once. From childhood to adulthood, books play an important role both in telling stories as well as in getting stories to be widely distributed. In fact, the theme of the 2021 World Book Day itself is “Share a story”. Now you must be wondering, in a world with so many books, how do you pick one to celebrate world book day in India? As many Indian writers take the leap into the international and national fields, here are a couple of ideas for things you can do to celebrate world book day in India!


reading skills

Things you can pick up!

Celebrating world book day in India the Indian way can be done through many different ways. Some of the ideas to celebrate world book day visiting your local bookstore and supporting them. With bookstores across the country facing the brunt of capitalism, supporting them not only gives you the satisfaction of helping a local business but it also adds one more book to your nightstand or shelf! 

Local-Bookstore - world book day

Did you know?

Reading a book before bed is said to reduce stress levels and help ease you into sleep. 

bed time book reading is a good habit

There are hundreds of books out there that are just waiting to be found so do not hesitate to pick one that interests you and maybe move a little out of your comfort zone genre wise. A little change hurts nobody. And for all you know maybe you’ll find a new genre to fall in love with. a new genre= hundreds more books to read and unlocking another aisle in the bookstore!

Revisiting your childhood jams can help in sending you on a nostalgic trip! Books have the way of taking you places in the safety of your homes so even though we are celebrating world book day in India we can travel to many more places and distant lands. Things you can do!

Something that you can do in the safety of your homes if you do not want to step out is probably check out literature festivals across the country that are happening online right now due to the coronavirus. Checking out literature festivals will not just help you get in touch with different ideas from different authors but may even inspire you to do stuff and you may end up with a new role model! Literature festivals also, pre-covid times, used to have book signings and meet and greets!
Another fun activity you can do with your loved ones that also fit the theme for this year’s World Book Day is 

kid reading digital book

Our reading list!

To do our bit here are a couple of our childhood favorites:

  1. Enid Blyton books
    You can almost never go wrong with an Enid Blyton book, from her short stories to her series The Famous Five and Secret Seven. It’s hard to pick just one! She symbolizes a whiff of nostalgia with her easy-to-read short stories and books.
  1. Harry Potter series- J K Rowlin
    We don’t need to give you a description for this one but there is no proper list we can make without adding this in!
  1. Malgudi Days, Swami and Friends- R.K Narayan
    A gem in literature, Malgudi Days and Swami and Friends are both books by R.K Narayan. These two books take you back to the time when India was still colonized and what the world looked like. Malgudi Days is a collection of 32 short stories, we definitely recommend the story “Father’s Help” from it. Swami and Friends follow the story of Swami and his childish endeavors!
  1. The Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe- C. S Lewis
    We all know the popular movie “Narnia”, this is where it all began and it is as magical (maybe even more!) as it was in the movie, we guarantee you! 
  1. Chander Pahar – (Mountain of The Moon) – by Bibhutibhushan Bandopadhyay
    If you are looking for a book in Bengali this is one that is definitely recommended by us! The story revolves around how a 20-year-old leaves his family behind and goes to Africa in search of Gold and Diamonds in their mines.


As we age, we lose in touch with the habit of reading and that extra nudge may help you get back to the once-loved activity. This world book day let us celebrate reading. Keeping with the theme of 2021 world book day is sharing a story, we have shared with you some of our childhood favorites. Now it’s your turn to let us know some of your favorites.

Happy World Book Day to you all!

We will keep an eye out for your recommendations in the comments down below. 



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