
Prakriti Dhodare |

Child Learning |

2023-09-05 |

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Image of Panagram

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In today’s generation, Every parent wants their child to articulate English. It has become an essential language for kids in schools. Several concepts in literature and grammar give different values to the English language. When our child starts to learn, we teach them about using various alphabets to form a word or a sentence. Later we try to work on their handwriting as well. Here is a way to help your child work on their handwriting and alphabet knowledge. In this article, you will learn a very ingenious topic, “Pangrams”. You will find all letters in one sentence. Isn’t it unique? Let us explore many sentences with all alphabets from a to z.

What is a Pangram Sentence?

A pangram is a sentence which consists of every alphabet at least once. This term is also known as a Holoalphabetic sentence. Pangrams are generally used for typefaces and developing handwriting as well as calligraphy. It includes every letter of the alphabet. 

Why are pangrams important?

While these might appear to be amusing sentences, in reality they are actually very useful. These are some of the reasons why pangrams are very important:

1. Teaching and Learning: The best alphabet-teaching tool is a pangram because it shows the play of every letter.
There is always a pangram when teachers teach their children how to write and read. They also come handy to learn tricky letters like "q," "x," and "z."

2. Typing practice: For typing, one must key each letter of the alphabet while training.
Pangrams let one type every letter so boost up your speed and accuracy, hence that is the reason why pangrams feature in typing programs as something to be practiced.

3. Font Design: When people create new fonts or typefaces, they have to take a look at how each letter fits into the design.
I love using pangrams when trying to quickly test all the letters in a potential new font without having to type each one individually.

4. Keyboard Testing: Ever used a new keyboard or computer? Pangrams are a quick way to make sure every key works properly. Since they use all the letters, you can check the whole alphabet at once.

Pangram Examples

There is a very common example of a pangram.

A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

A perfect pangram comprises every letter of the alphabet only once. Such as:

  • Cwm fjord bank glyphs vext quiz


Pangram Examples

How Many Pangram Sentences Are There?

There are many pangram sentences consisting of 26 alphabets. You can also use pangram for the handwriting skills of your child. It might be good handwriting practice for them. Let’s check for some examples:

  • Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs, vex Bud.
  • Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
  • Glib jocks quiz nymph to vex dwarf.
  • How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!
  • Quick zephyrs blow, vexing daft Jim.

List of Funny Pangrams

  • Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
  • The five boxing wizards jump quickly.
  • Watch “Jeopardy!” Alex Trebek’s fun TV quiz game.
  • When zombies arrive, quickly fax Judge Pat.
  • Waxy and quivering, jocks fumble the pizza.

Fun Pangram Challenge!

Now it's your turn to create a pangram! Write a sentence that uses all the letters of the alphabet. It can be funny, serious, or whatever you like. Just make sure that you have used every letter from A to Z.

But to make it a bit tougher, you could create a pangram where every letter is used once.
That is quite a bit tricky but very great fun for the brain!
You also know that pangrams are not in the English language alone. Other countries, like in how people use the full alphabet to create a sentence in the English language, come up with their own.
Here are some examples of pangrams in other languages:

In Spanish, an example of a pangram using all the letters within the Spanish alphabet, and including special letters such as "ñ" is the following:
Jovencillo emponzoñado de whisky, ¡qué figurota exhibe!

In German, The following is a Pangram for the German Alphabet with all characters, including special character "ß": Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den großen Sylter Deich.


There are many concepts in the English language which provide values to improve the skills of every child. A pangram is one of them. Kids get a way of working on handwriting as well as calligraphy skills with the help of Pangram.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which sentence consists of all 26 alphabets?

Answer: The very common 26-word alphabet sentence is “A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”.

2. When was the Pangram invented?

Answer: Pangram was first used in the late 19th century. Western Union used it to test Telex/TWX data communication equipment for accuracy and reliability.

3. Which is the world’s shortest pangram?

Answer: The world’s shortest pangram is “Jived fox nymph grabs quick waltz”.

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