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What is Inclusive Education?

Samadrita Chakraborty


Child Learning




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Have you gone to a library? Then, you must have seen how many genres of books there are. Science fiction books are taken the same care as historical books. The place is about including every genre of books and treating them with the same attention. That is what inclusive education is. It means including children of different communities and abilities in a learning environment where they can fully expand their knowledge. The school authority has a significant part to play here. It depends on the curriculum and its structure; creating schools, classrooms, and activities contribute to their upbringing. The philosophy of inclusive education is based on the idea of versatility. This new lesson and school planning method determines how strongly an institution can hold up to a diverse culture. 


History of Inclusive Education in India


inclusive education


Things that are outside practice come after a long time of fights and sacrifices. Implementing IE (Inclusive education) took work too. In 2005, a survey found that 40 million children with different skills were deprived of mainstream education. Parents of regular children were strictly against them having education with their children. Stereotyped thoughts and ineffective authorities of many schools were significant obstacles for children with unique abilities. 

Since 1880, India has established institutions for students with visual impairment or other disabilities. The scenario changed as the government implemented inclusive education with its correct meaning. In 1974, the National Council for Teacher Education centre was entrusted with a community to train teachers who can teach differently abled children. The community focused on children with mental disabilities as well as physical disabilities. According to the act 1995, the Central Board of Education made it compulsory for every school to facilitate a certain number of differently-abled children. 


Importance of Inclusive Education


Importaance of Inclusive Education

Life is about having a positive attitude towards one’s classmates or colleagues. Compassion, patience, and respect for others’ abilities and limitations improve us as an individual. Inclusive education is based on the principle of these fundamental values. According to the famous educators of India, inclusive education is a great way to implant these human natures in children. After all, we learn better when we deal with practical scenarios. 


1) Growth of Sensitivity 

Growing up with people who think, do, and speak like you, will never contribute to your growth. You need different people around you to build different perspectives. Only then you learn to respect others’ abilities and boundaries.


2) Better Understanding of Strength & Weakness

Kids in an inclusive educational environment understand everyone’s uniqueness. They learn to respect and collaborate with classmates considering their mental and physical conditions.


3) Nurture Tolerance

Growing up with differently-abled children instils a sense of tolerance in children. As they try to be more compassionate, patience and understanding come hand-in-hand. Therefore, the need and importance of inclusive education are felt for differently-abled children and children with sound health and mind. 


Types of Inclusive Education

There are four types of inclusion according to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. They are:


1) Individualised Education Program 

Individual Education Programs must be designed for special education children in each public school. School officials, special and regular education teachers, and parents will be associated with modifying a learning plan. The learning plan must contribute to the goals and allow for future reevaluation and alterations. 


2) Full-inclusion

Full inclusion goes for every student, regardless of learning disorder. Under this plan, all children will have a similar lesson plan. If the differently abled children face difficulties, a special education department teacher will follow up. 


3) Partial Inclusion

Under partial inclusion, students with different abilities can interact with their peers in some classes. They can interact or play with other classmates in a standard classroom for some classes. In most of the child grooming classes, teachers from the special education department will take care of their lessons and speech therapies. 


Difference between Special Education and Inclusive Education

Special education is an entirely separate session for differently abled students. Specially equipped classrooms will strictly take care of the children with mental and physical disabilities. They will not be able to interact with physically and mentally sound children. 

Inclusive education allows children to know their classmates with different abilities and boundaries. Inclusive education allows differently abled children to have education in a standard classroom with regular kids. 


Difference between Inclusive Education and Integrated Education

Inclusive education helps all students as it stresses the participation of all the children in the classroom. On the other hand, integration is a process where special children’s needs are absorbed into the mainstream education system. 

The role of teachers in inclusive education is notable. It’s all about the teachers’ patience and compassion and how they can handle children. Application of inclusive education is a time-consuming process that is not going to happen overnight. But once the system is implemented across the country, we will see a difference in the future. 

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